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Mousty joins in, better late than never.


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Seems like everyone has been on a recent health kick lately, and as I've been doing eating very poorly but refuse to admit. So here it is, I confess, I haven't been eating that well, and neither are my kids =\. And eugh because of so many frozen pizzas, boxed sweet mixes, muffins, pancakes etc... (not the healthy ones...) I've gained an extra 15lbs that I could lose. Oh, which I need to lose to I can fit back into my work clothes! We've also been doing too much TV watching. Two bad habits I do know are not so great for my kids nor myself.


I don't want to count calories, because that gets me stressed out. I prefer to count portions. A meal plan that works well for me is the following, so I might as well share it for curious others. I am a VERY VERY hungry person, but I hate feeling hungry. I'm not the type who will chuck a glass of water in hopes of forgetting that I'm hungry. If I don't eat whole grains, I feel unsatisfied - low-carb plans are out for me.



- Whole Grain + Protein


- Protein + Veggies


- Fruit + Protein


- 1 serving of fiber drink



- Fruit



- Vegetable + Protein + Whole Grain*



- Fruit + Protein



- Veggies + Protein + Whole Grain*



-Veggies only (Protein if after workout though)


* Optional


Protein includes: Dairy products (Yogurt, cheese, milk etc...), Protein powders, Meats/Fish, Legumes, Nuts.


Ideally I would also limit my coffee consumption to one cup a day.

I'm not going to keep track of the toppings such as olive oil, mustard etc... just for sanity purpouse.


I may also posts things about my kid's speech development (he has a bit of a speech delay) or other tips I do have.


Happy Reading!

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Day 1



1.5 portions of strawberries and 1.5 portions of yogurt



1 large apple (I guess that also counts as 1.5)



2 portions carrots + 2 turkey sandwiches



2 peanut butter granola bars and 2 portion almonds and 2 french vanillas



1 turkey sandwich + 1 granola bar + 1 side salad (I didnt feel like making supper) + 1 french vanilla



Popcorn, almonds, 1/2 sub



Body Pump class

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Day 1 Summary


My portions/food amount is at about double what it should be - even if they are healthy things (minus the granola bars, which I could switch to healthy ones). Result of staying at home and eating all day. Hum, no wonder I gained so much weight....


I got myself some chocolate protein powder, in hopes that it will help me get the initial reduction in place. (aka Shrink Stomach Size operation)

I'm not sure how to get myself through this.. I suppose I should do it gradually...


Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. We're having chinese food and cake! Not very helpful in my quest to try to reduce my portion size.

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Day 2



1 cup oatmeal with 1 mashed banana and 1 scoop chocolate protein powder

(I'm feeling pretty bloated after this though - but that's better than being hungry)



French Vanilla


Salmon and 2 cups mixed broccoli and cauliflower



Blackberries and almonds + French Vanilla

Baby carrots



Several glasses of wine, hot chocolate, a coffee

3 plates of chinese food... too good =à

3 pieces of cake.. big ones at that.. lol

Random other food too... *FAIL* (it was my brother's bday)

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Day 1



1.5 portions of strawberries and 1.5 portions of yogurt



1 large apple (I guess that also counts as 1.5)



2 portions carrots + 2 turkey sandwiches



2 peanut butter granola bars and 2 portion almonds and 2 french vanillas



1 turkey sandwich + 1 granola bar + 1 side salad (I didnt feel like making supper) + 1 french vanilla



Popcorn, almonds, 1/2 sub



Body Pump class


I feel the need to comment on this. I think as a better alternative, for lunch you could have had 1 sandwich and 1 cup of steamed vegetable (broccoli?) And a large green salad (it can include carrots, but ALL carrots is a little weird!)


Can you focus on making this small switch this week?

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I don't eat the same things every day but yeah I'll try adding more veggies, that are less carby. I do find that baby carrots fill me up though - wasn't a carrot salad lol. I had bought a nice protein-filled bread hoping it would help, but I don't find it did much. I think I need more protein and fats to keep me satisfied. I just don't like eating them as much as carbs. If I could just eat only carbs, I'd be seriously happy.


I could eat like 4-5 cups of broccoli and still have a hungry feeling, which is what I find weird? Vegetables don't fill me up much, but I think my lunch didn't have enough protein.


Today it's 11, and I didn't have a snack (had to do some errands) except for a french vanilla... but I don't feel as starved as I did yesterday. Go go protein!

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Mousty, welcome to the group of us who are trying to be fit.

Result of staying at home and eating all day


I do notice that when I am home it is much harder to not think about food and have snacks.


One of the things I have really had to be careful with, is being sure to realize that every bite counts. Many times if I was preparing food for my son, I'd be popping bites of it into my mouth. Even if it was one or 2 bites, if I do that several times a day- that adds up. It was really just senseless eating. I wasn't even hungry when I was taking a bite of his food- just bored.

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Day 3 is simply summarized by lots of pizza, beer etc... =\


I knew this weekend would be horrible (read too terrible.. I should at least try to not double or triple my servings) for me. But I can always eat better tomorrow and the rest of the week.

I really need to get a handle on getting back to normal portions. I was so depressed/bored out of my mind (though busy) with the stay at home mom gig that it messed up everything for me. I'm trying to get out of it slowly... hopefully.


I hate feeling hungry, but I guess that's what I'll have to deal with.. and slowly reduce them gradually.

Are there things that make you feel really full? I don't seem to be able to get filled up unless I eat very low-carb (fruits and veggies only) & lots of protein.


Everyone had told me I had gained weight yesterday. I did get a workout DVD though on the bright side from the girl of "Workout" (the tv series). Jackie, if I recall her name correctly.

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Week 1 - Day 1 (starting over)


I decided to start over as all of my previous days were mostly failures lol. I'm cheating I know. I decided to change the day format of my journal too to track by week. I think it will get overwhelming if I keep it only by day.



1 cup oatmeal + 1 scoop chocolate protein powder + 1 mashed banana



Tuna Sandwich with onion and bell pepper + 2-3 cups of mixed broccoli and cauliflower



Pineapple chicken with basmati rice (link removed)

I made a few substitution due to lack of ingredient on hands - ex: snow peas were broccoli, added more garlic because i LOVE it etc..



French Vanilla

Apple and handful of almonds

Baby carrots

Spinach turkey salad with nuts and thousand island dressing



Px90 - Ab Ripper X (less than 10 minutes lol)

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Instant coffee french vanilla - my bf broke my coffee machine.. and I hate the non-flavored ones.


Oh okay! Mmmmm I love flavored coffees. I have cut wayyyyyy back on my coffee consumption too.


One of my biggest problems was portion control. When I first started eating better and working out, eating less was a hard for me because I loved food and I would shovel it in.


The first week, will likely suck big time, it did for me. I was still hungry and I was a bitter pill but it gets easier as each day passes.


Thankfully now, I couldn't eat the amount of food that I use to but sometimes I still miss it if that makes sense.

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That sounds pretty yummy. We ran out of milk, so mine is just water and instant flavored coffee. Not the best but it's better than nothing.


I really want the K-Cup machine, and was hoping to get one for mother's day. Got a double stroller instead, that's on backorder. That was the only one that was affordable - the rest of them were Bob strollers in the 600$'s.

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What do you think you did wrong that you started over? What were your mistakes?


1- Snacking just because the kids are hungry, and they want a snack

2- Snacking out of loneliness

3- Buying convenience food at the grocery store (granola bars, brownie mixes etc...)

4- Giving in to temptation foods when I am alone.

5- Not actively reducing my portion sizes.. I hate feeling hungry

6- Wanting more and more sugar once I do eat high sugar stuff such as cake.

7- Not being careful about pairing carbs with a protein which makes me more hungry.


I guess that's a whole lot of mistakes.

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That sounds pretty yummy. We ran out of milk, so mine is just water and instant flavored coffee. Not the best but it's better than nothing.


I really want the K-Cup machine, and was hoping to get one for mother's day. Got a double stroller instead, that's on backorder. That was the only one that was affordable - the rest of them were Bob strollers in the 600$'s.


I sooo want that K-Cup machine too. I have had my eye on it for awhile now. You can buy the little cups of coffee, tea or hot cocoa. sigh...

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I sooo want that K-Cup machine too. I have had my eye on it for awhile now. You can buy the little cups of coffee, tea or hot cocoa. sigh...


I told my dad that I wanted to buy one of those because my bf had broke my coffee machine (the pot). To replace the pot it was 20$, the same as a new coffee maker. I kind of describe it too for him, and said oh yeah those are great - used it once at a hotel and the coffee stayed hot.


What do I know, the next day there is a long voice mail left by my dad telling me all about his machine and the purchase etc... He had tried to call 2-3 times before the same day. My bf even though the message was left because he had bought me one because there was a buy one get one free.. or a 1/2 price deal on the 2nd machine... but no.


He even had to do a demo in front of me (insisted, when I told him I knew how to work it). So, now I'm not sure what to think of it.. but I can use it when I go to my parents.

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Yogurt + Pineapples



Granola Bars x 6 (horrible I know) - These are the 2 granola bars in one pack.





1 cup oatmeal and 1 cup strawberries and 1 cup chocolate protein powder

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Wait you already had lunch? You are eating 6 granola bars for lunch? Confused...


LOL, well my schedule is not always "normal" with the two kids. Sometimes I'll end up having supper at 4pm.. and other times 8pm =\

I'm also feeling rather stressed lately, and needed the sugar-fix. Eugh bad I know. Though now my feelings make me feel so pukish I know I wont be able to eat lunch without throwing back up - so I declared it my lunch.


You seem to be doing so much better than I am. I really need to get out of this bad rut - I am letting things affect me more than they should lately.


The truth is I need to get out of this no-car, back-ordered double-stroller situation (though hopefully it will come soon). I feel so lonely, and though sometimes I love the kids, other times I just wish I was on a desert island. I know most people would love to get a paid maternity leave, but I feel so boxed in - I really want to get back to work, and I feel guilty about it. There's also no day cares openings around here for people that I would trust with my kids. I really do want to get a good day care for them, not just pitch them over at anyone who's desperate for money.

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LOL, well my schedule is not always "normal" with the two kids. Sometimes I'll end up having supper at 4pm.. and other times 8pm =\


Sometimes my schedule fluctuates too. If I am teaching between 11:20 and 1 , so I have to start driving there at 11, and then I have office hours until 3, I can't exactly have lunch. But then I try to bring a sandwich with me, or a banana, some nuts and some dried fruit. Having 6 bars doesn't seem to be the right choice to me. Especially if you had 'lunch' at 10 AM, or had time to start planning for it at 10 AM.


(And mousty punches me...) :splat:

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Haha no I know it wasn't a great choice - I don't even feel like punching you don't worry. I feel like punching myself first


At least the weather is picking up, or it looks like it. I may be able to go to the park with the kids or so and get out of the house. It's not snowing or rain storming today at least.


I'm going to resume the below posts as they were all one sentence posts.


I reserved the gym for tonight - and I think I need to be more careful with meal planning.

I'm going to try to follow Jackie Warners 1 week meal plan and see how that turns out. In reality it can't be worst than what it is now.


I'm also getting operated for wisdom teeth next week (19th of May) - I'm not sure how I'm going to feel with that... but I do want to eat healthy, not just jello and puddings =|

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