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my life is constant confusion

riddled with questions on your madness

is there a method to the destruction of my self pride

riddled by the love for my sadness


riddled with guns and candy

lost in my mind again i feel used

betrayed by life and myself

im left riddled and confused


lost in my own world

i don't want to leave i like it here

come dragg me to your pit of suffering

where im labled "queer"


goth loser suicidal

depressed punk rock teenage cutter

im different so im insane

your word cut my wrist like a knife through butter


riddled by depression

riddled by self harm

riddled by the scars

that remain on my arm


i have no reason to live

i have become religiously brittled

i have nothing left to give

so i bleed as you leave me riddled




what do you all think oh by the way im upset again and am trying to keep my mind off cutting oppinions please!!! leave a comment

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Your poem showed alot of feeling,You should not cut yourself can you honestly say it makes you feel good?I mean it might for a second I have never done it but can you honestly say it really takes all your pain away?You are talented at writing and you write by what you are feeling,Stop cutting yourself and everytime you feel like your going to get on here and post a poem about how you feel,Mabe you should talk to someone about it and mabe they can help you but everytime you feel sad hurt angry mad anything come on here and post something or a poem ok

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I like your poem. It shows alot of emotion. I've told you all before I never cut, I burned. And, sometimes the only thing that kept me from doing it was writing poetry. Some people would look at my poetry and be like this is dark...but no matter how dark it is or even if nobody understands it except you, you should still write. Just to say, "You need to stop cutting." It isn't that easy, I'm just going to tell you that you should stop, and it's good you're trying to, and good luck! If you ever need to talk feel free to pm me.



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well i havent cut in 28 days now. i want to and i know im gonna break and do it too deep because the longer i go the more hardcore i am when i do it. im already in therapy and on anti depressants. all my poems are like that dark and depressing im told to write happy poems but im not a happy person so i dont know.i am workin on a poem write now just running it through my head


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