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Combatting procrastination?

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I am the worst procrastinator ever. And it is seriously affecting me and I am very stressed.


I am in my final year of university and I have a lot of work to get done. I cannot start it and I don't know why. I don't know if it's because I am anxious about the work or have other underlying things preventing me, but I just can't begin the work. I am so frustrated and upset with myself - I am so upset because I know the work is due in a couple of days but even with that information in mind I STILL can't get started.


Does anybody know how to combat this kind of procrastination?

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I'm struggling with this problem as well...


along with mono I'm on the verge of not completing my final semester at university..and ultimately not getting my degree.


So, I too am interested what people might have to say to this and hopefully can make some helpful suggestions

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Hi AJEDrew7,

I had mono a few years ago and had to defer the last part of my degree as I was in hospital for a few weeks so I know how you feel. Ultimately your health comes first though.

Hopefully someone can share some tips on combatting this procrastination I'm experiencing...

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It's scary! It's also ALMOST EVERYBODY at Uni!


I could NEVER finish essays until 3am the day they were due in, with biscuit packets strewn around. Despite having done all the research over the previous month or more.


A few thoughts - first, this might be coming from feelings of ambivalence about the course. Perhaps you really deep down wish you weren't on it - but you are. See this as a great opportunity to practise 'getting on with stuff I'd really rather not be doing' which is great skill for fullly-fledged adult life!


One thing which I didn't learn till years later and wish I had, is this:


People fall into two groups.

1) Motivated by pain.

2) Motivated by pleasure.


All the time I was at Uni I assumed I was the first type, and would berate myself, feel angry, make a coffee and sit and stare at the desk (before cleaning my room again - you CAN'T do an essay or revise with an untidy room, right?!?!) and feel worse and worse about myself. I carried this pattern through into adult life - weight loss, house-keeping, everything you can think of.


HOWEVER!! I have discovered that I do much better (and it's more pleasant) when instead of thinking stuff like, "You are SO going to regret this!" or "You will FAIL if you don't get down to work!"

I think

"Wow, it's going to feel so wonderful when this is done!" "I'll feel so PROUD of myself for breaking this pattern!"


Or even

"I'm NOT a slob, I can do this!"




Break it down. It is FINE not to do ALL the essay/revision at once. Set your alarm. Do ten minutes, take a break, then do fifteen. Once you stop, tell yourself how WELL you are doing!!! Do NOT despise yourself in any way!!!


Then be brave and try an hour. But I never do more than that without a 'reward' like a cup of tea or something. And I CONstantly tell myself how well I'm doing.


Sounds extreme but it works for me - why not give it a go? Good luck! You are ONE OF THOUSANDS!!!!


ETA Oh - and we didn't have the Internet back then - perhaps you should get offline! LOL

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My whole learning relies on Red Bull. Everytime I say "I won't leave it to the last minute" and every time I do. I got so many extensions at university and I wasn't even a bad student. I kinda thrive of stress, I'm drawn to extreme feelings as it is anyway in my life and love.


I have partly accepted that in me. Like Speranza I have to take regular breaks. But I have also found that not freaking out about it helps. Just say to myself sit your ass down and do it. Just do it. Without much thought.

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My whole learning relies on Red Bull. Everytime I say "I won't leave it to the last minute" and every time I do. I got so many extensions at university and I wasn't even a bad student. I kinda thrive of stress, I'm drawn to extreme feelings as it is anyway in my life and love.


I have partly accepted that in me. Like Speranza I have to take regular breaks. But I have also found that not freaking out about it helps. Just say to myself sit your ass down and do it. Just do it. Without much thought.


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Have you had a severe form of procrastination? Do you have ADD or ADHD? Is time management and organization a challenge for you?


If so it's possible you may have Executive Function Disorder (or Executive Dysfunction), a sever form of procrastination. Most of us have procrastinating tendencies but if you're fighting to get things started it's a sign that you may have EFD.


I'm working with a young teen who has EFD. He cannot get anything started even for the simplest task. But he's brilliant. His IQ is much higher than that of his school teacher. A lot of people with EFD's generally have ADD/ADHD tendencies but they are intelligent. What really helps are blocked schedules. Time management is critical when you have EFD or else nothing gets done.


Some resources that may help you to get things started:


EFD info

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Self-Help books

"Power of An Hour"

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"Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity"

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