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Not getting discouraged


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I put off playing a sport when I was younger because I thought I was just naturally bad at it and I just generally don't like competition. I would get discouraged really easily because of how awful I was, and I find it extremely embarrassing that I never really played sports because it seems like if your a guy, then that's really the only way of claiming your manhood/confidence.


I did the same thing with everything... I recently picked up the drums about a year ago, and I like them, but I get frustrated really easily. I want to do something with them, but I'm 19 and I feel so behind (I know I shouldn't feel that way, I wish I could think rationally) because it seems as if all of my musical inspirations started WAY younger.


I try to practice as much as I can, I feel like if I weren't depressed I would actually enjoy playing, but I just get mad most of the time when I play because I just sound awful to myself.


What can I do to stop myself from feeling like its pointless to continue to play? I don't have the confidence to believe that I'll actually be going anywhere with any instrument I pick up.

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Self-doubt hits all artists/musicians/creative people. The successful ones (on any level even) are the ones who fight through those fears, those negative thoughts.


You need to have faith that you will get better. Practice and study your craft each and every day. Watch how others do it, and picture your success.


maybe it would help if you had a mentor of some kind.

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What can I do to stop myself from feeling like its pointless to continue to play? I don't have the confidence to believe that I'll actually be going anywhere with any instrument I pick up.


The key is just to improve a little bit every day, and use that progress (no matter how small) as motivation. 19 isn't too old to learn anything. In fact, I'm twice your age and plan on finally getting serious about playing guitar like I've always wanted to.


At my age, it's a little discouraging, but I figure I've heard really good players who have only been playing for 4-5 years . . . so by the time I'm 45 (if I make it), I can be pretty good too.


It's all about the small victories.

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Thing is, I don't care about being good. I care about being so amazing that I will have something entirely different to offer than any other musician. I guess that might be why... I'm setting my goals way too high, but I don't want to lower them. I don't really know how to take it one step at a time. I do my best to improve a little bit everyday, but there are times when I just feel like I just wasn't meant to be musical.

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Thing is, I don't care about being good. I care about being so amazing that I will have something entirely different to offer than any other musician. I guess that might be why... I'm setting my goals way too high, but I don't want to lower them. I don't really know how to take it one step at a time. I do my best to improve a little bit everyday, but there are times when I just feel like I just wasn't meant to be musical.

Having high expectations is fine, but like everything else in life, you have to put the time and effort into it. No one wakes up and suddenly discovers they're Mike Portnoy or something.


Every great musician I've ever known has had one thing . . . passion. They were passionate about whatever instrument they were playing, hence they practiced almost obsessively. If you have the passion, and are willing to practice, then you'll reach your goal.

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Only 19 and you feel like quitting so often ? Man, youth is SO wasted on the young... Find something you like, I mean really like, and do it. If its work then it aint fun. I so suck at guitar but I when I'm in the mood, I can jam for hours and I don't freaking care what it sounds like.


"It's better to ride the race and come in last, than it is to be a spectator all your life"

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Only 19 and you feel like quitting so often ? Man, youth is SO wasted on the young... Find something you like, I mean really like, and do it. If its work then it aint fun. I so suck at guitar but I when I'm in the mood, I can jam for hours and I don't freaking care what it sounds like.


"It's better to ride the race and come in last, than it is to be a spectator all your life"


Thing is, I have no clue how to tell when I'm doing something I really like. I've been diagnosed with depression, so I suppose that's why I feel like I don't really LIKE doing anything.


I'm told to get out of depression, you need to find a hobby that gives you self-confidence and that you enjoy. I don't know how to find that, and I'm really hoping that drums are it because I've devoted a lot of time to them.

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I don't have the confidence to believe that I'll actually be going anywhere with any instrument I pick up.


I think this is where you need to start, whenever you think "I can't...", change your mind, "I can & will!" Practice practice and practice. Anyone who's a professional of any subject have years of experience, some may be very talented while many have trained for years to become good at what they do.


Acceptance may be helpful also, some things you might find it difficult. Okay, what can you do to improve that specific problem. Personal coaching? Input from others? Another method that may help you accomplish that goal? Or take a break from that routine or technique and come back to it later?


Take a deep breathe and clear your mind when it gets frustrating. Step aside, even use that frustration to your advantage and put all your mind into it.

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Thing is, I have no clue how to tell when I'm doing something I really like. I've been diagnosed with depression, so I suppose that's why I feel like I don't really LIKE doing anything.


I'm told to get out of depression, you need to find a hobby that gives you self-confidence and that you enjoy. I don't know how to find that, and I'm really hoping that drums are it because I've devoted a lot of time to them.


I'm sorry about the depression. I've never been very depressed so I can only guess at the challenge. Just take my words as from somebody older whose raised a lot of kids...


19 is for trying new things

don't give up yet

you got lots of time

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