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asking a girl out


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i need help. ive been liking this girl for a few months and i know she likes me because everytime i walk past her she looks at me and i look back. the problem is that im to shy to talk to her because i dont know really what to say, like i know stuff to ask her but i dont kno the line to actually ask her out.



should i say can i get ur # so i can get to know u more . i need help on how to actually ask her out

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Watch and listen carefully to her reactions (her body, manner of speaking, tone of voice, and words), as you say the following, and if you get a psotive reaction, say the next line:



"I really enjoy tlaking to you and have fun being around you."




"I think we should do it more often, what do you think?"


If she is reacting well, then go for it.


"So maybe we should try to see each other more, would you like to" (whatever you can think of.

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Heh, talk about 'killing two birds with one stone!' LOL. Anyway, I suggest approach her, and since you know that she likes you, talk to her, and ask her if she wants to go out...the best way to tell someone you like them, or ask them a personal question, is be direct.

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Well, Alabama, I kind of disagree. You do not walk up to a girl or woman and just ask her out, without prior communications going on. For most of us, their is body langauge whether we know them or not. But one of the ways to make her show her body language is to hint at the idea you want her, without saying it.


By saying: "I have a lot of fun being around you." You are telling her you like her and want her, without saying it flat out. In fact, you can mean it and have it appear to carry nothing sexual with it. But if you say it and get a positive sexual reaction, a little eye contact, she touches you or any other good signal, then you know she is much more likely to say "Yes, I will go out with you." So, for all the men or women wanting to know if they should ask, shoot lower with your questions and watch their reactions. The rections are likely to tell you the answer before you need to ask. Of course, then you still haev to come out and say those words directly.

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