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My "No Contact" Challenge will start tomorrow...

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I was exercising today on the treadmill alternating walking and running. While running, I started to think about him and I just imagined myself running far far away from him and running towards someone better. That got me through the running portion of my workout and I think it should help me get through this day.

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I thought about calling him today.


Today is Mother's Day and he lost his mother two years ago.


I want to tell him that I'm thinking of him.


I'm not sure whether I will break no contact today.


There is still some time to decide.

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I thought about calling him today.


Today is Mother's Day and he lost his mother two years ago.


I want to tell him that I'm thinking of him.


I'm not sure whether I will break no contact today.


There is still some time to decide.


Don't do it girl. I know it's hard and early on in NC our minds find all kinds of ways of justifying calling. You will feel much worse if you do. Stay strong....I know it's hard. I am NC myself and felt like wishing her mothers day but did not.

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Don't do it girl. I know it's hard and early on in NC our minds find all kinds of ways of justifying calling. You will feel much worse if you do. Stay strong....I know it's hard. I am NC myself and felt like wishing her mothers day but did not.


funny how our minds try to find ways of justifying a phone call.... a visit.... an unplanned random chance meeting....... I still can't get the idea out of my head that I will run into him by accident (on purpose) at the grocery store.... he told me where he shops and when he does his weekly shopping..... it would be so easy to meet up with him there.......... and maybe that's what gets me through each day........ I am still hoping to see him next week or the following week or next month or whenever......... but I know in time I will feel different......... just need to remain strong until then.......

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  • 1 year later...

I was in a long distance relationship. March this year (2011) he drops the bombshell that he has a girlfriend (he is 31, she is 29, I am 40 - can't compete) and has for the past 3 months. I was devastated.


He still wants/needs me in his life, wants to be friends ("I love you, I miss you") and after 2 months of starting NC and breaking it, effectively allowing him to have his cake and eat it too, I have finally bitten the bullet and changed my mobile number, deleted his number from my phone (unfortunately I have it memorised), deleted and blocked him in yahoo, and all other lines of communication. He has my landline number but I'm going to ignore any calls he might make there. I've drawn up a calendar and mark off every day I don't call him. I'm on Day 4.


Thank God for this thread. Wish me luck.

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Day 5


I woke up feeling like total deal but thanks to this thread, my perspective has been improved! I have to go to work in a couple hrs ani always fear that thinking him will continue to distract me from my work. I always have to get my mind to a place where I am at peace with everything. Day 5 is not as bad as Day 4 and I am excited to see what lies ahead!


My Birthday is next week. Since he and I decided we would be friends eventually I am expecting a call. I don't plan on answering though! And if he doesn't call it will be further closure for me. He's been trying to string me along with "I love you" and "I can't imagine life wihojt you." PLEASE. Im on to the next one!

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He's been trying to string me along with "I love you" and "I can't imagine life wihojt you." PLEASE. Im on to the next one!


Girl, I hear ya. Mine's been saying EXACTLY the same thing. Plus a few others: "I'd rather hear from you telling me to **** off than not hear from you at all", "I miss you all the time", "I love being with you", blah blah. I've walked away and come back so many times in the last couple of months it's become farcical. He said to me, "I wish you wouldn't keep leaving, it ****s with my head". What the hell does he think telling me he loves me, misses me, needs me when he has a girlfriend that he refuses to give up does to mine?


From my standpoint, we can't be friends. Not ever. So I can't stress enough how important it was that I cut him off, COMPLETELY to remove all temptation. If I hear from him, I know I'll answer; so I don't want to hear from him, or talk to him, at all.


Day 5.

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Day 6.


Oh boy, I'm feeling absolutely crappy today, really down. Worst day so far.


What keeps me going is knowing that breaking NC is NOT an option, how I'm feeling now would be NOTHING compared to how I'd feel if I did break it. I'm not trying to get him back, just trying to heal and move on. I'm taking it one day at a time.


staying strong, thank you for your encouraging words.

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Day 7.


I got through yesterday without calling him. I almost weakened because I was feeling so wretched.. but then I made a promise to myself that no matter how bad I'm feeling, or how bad it gets, calling him is NOT an option. And dammit, I've never been so determined in all my life. Felt a lot better after that.

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