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How can I get my bf to kiss me?


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I'm 14. I've been going out with my bf for a month now and we hug and hold hands... I am almost positive that he wants to kiss too, but I cannot think of a way to go into it. The best time of day would probably be after school each day when he walks me to my bus. We walk around the back of the school, so most of the time we're alone. We talk, but I always act like a friend instead of like a girlfriend. It's because I'm nervous, and he is too. I'd like to be more romantic; not a complete make-out yet, but a kiss?! What are some ways to signal him that I'm ready? How can I get him to realize that I want to kiss him, and how can I work up the courage? Thanks.

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The first kiss of a relationship can be difficult, and the most exciting! Well to tell your boyfriend your ready is:


A. Be direct. Just ask him: Do you want to kiss me? IF he says so, then kiss!


B. Just do it! When your alone, simply kiss him by surprise! He'll never know...




C. Maybe as you talk to him, move a little closer, when talking. Hopefully he'll catch on, and you'll kiss.


Anyway, a good way to get over the shyness, is not to worry about the outcome. I suggest just kiss him! Anyway, I hope this helps!

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Don't mean to be bold, I am 24 years old and if I can remember back to when I was 14 , I believe I often thought about what it would be like to get kissed by a boy. You have plenty of years ahead of you to be kissed by a boyfriend so try not to rush it. Cause with the younger generation, its a kiss that leads to more. Especially if your unaware of your body/feelings, and that leads to teenage girls having babies.


But if it is important to have that kiss, be bold we live in a generation where its okay for the girl to make the first move. Kiss him, if that is what you think your relationship is at.

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I would say that maybe he isn't sure that you are ready. Alot of times guys think that if they kiss their gf when they aren't ready, the girl won't like it.


I think that you should try initiating it yourself. Just when you are aloneafter school, turn him when you so you are facing him, and kiss him.




When you are out on a date, wait until a really romantic moment when you are alone, that would be a good time to kiss him, if he doesn't kiss you.


He could just be waiting for the right moment.

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Thanks for all your input everyone. I'm not trying to rush it, as you would have read in my post (If you'd read the whole thing). Yes, I've kissed a guy before. My problem is, this one is really shy and I get nervous and start laughing and making jokes. I don't want him to think that I don't like him...

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If your holding him closely and he is talking, bring your heads close and wisper his name into his ear. If your holding him closly and he isn't talking... bring your heads close and kiss him. I dont think most men are turned off by women making at least one move first.

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I dont know if this will help but anyway, here goes. Im 15 and in a relationship, we bin goin out for about 2 weeks now, anyway we were sat in her garden (with all her sisters and her bro around) so we werent really doin much, we were sort of huggin and touchin each other here and ther, now thts the easy part. Eventually it gt a bit late so her parents called in her younger siblings (her parents are really understanding of our relationship) so tht we were alone, she had to og in in a minute as well, so we were stood by her door, and dont ask me how but i knew she wanted to kiss because wen we started talkin she was lookin at me with a glimmer in her eyes but as it gt closer to the time tht she had to go in, her eyes lost the glimmer as she realised tht the chances of us kissin were fadin for this night. So i took a step towards her which made her look up,. as she did i leant in towards her and we had the best snog ive ever had. i guess im tryin to say look slightly annoyed jus before you have to go so tht it shows u wanted to make summit of the time u had alone but u are definitely doin the rite thing by being alone behind the bus for the first kiss, it makes everythin tht bit easier. i know thts nt the best advice but thts how we did it and it was great

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