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Are people more doting on their SO in the beginning/honeymoon stage?

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Are people generally more doting on their significant other in the beginning or honeymoon stages of the relationship? This is just a general, in your experience type of question. What have you experienced? More doting/affection in the beginning, more when the relationship is matured, or about the same?

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In general, yes.


That doesn't mean it is right. Giving love/loving is a choice to a certain extent... that giddy first feeling will calm down and after that you have to work at it. People who fail to put in the "little" work can sometimes find big problems down the road.

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I think the whole honeymoon phase is overrated. I know people who never have this feeling fade and others who never experience it. Me personally I don't believe it at all. Everytime I had that feeling the person didn't like me as much as I liked them or it was just lust. If some guy was to be giddy right away and shower me with gifts I'd probably dump him since he'd only want me for sex or was a con artist.

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I think for me it's just that the way they show their love is different. Instead of crawling all over you constantly and waiting on you hand and foot, they stay up all night to make sure you get home safely when they have a 6AM shift. I just wonder which really goes more appreciated...

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I think for me it's just that the way they show their love is different. Instead of crawling all over you constantly and waiting on you hand and foot, they stay up all night to make sure you get home safely when they have a 6AM shift. I just wonder which really goes more appreciated...


Definitely agree in bold. I feel it has a lot to do with how each person's parents raised them showed affection and love. While there are no right or wrong ways, partners always have the opportunity to learn how each person would show such affection and love.

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In general, yeah. But I think everyone is a little different. In my two longest relationships with two completely different guys, I could mark with a pen when the 'honeymoon' stage was over, but I was probably even more doting and affectionate afterwards. This was being with one guy who largely ignored me and with my current bf who seems to like me as much as I like him (so far!)


So... I think it probably just depends on the person's personality. For me, the more I care about a person, the warmer I want to be to them. That's how I express comfortableness, I guess.

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I think it depends on the relationship and the individuals involved. With my ex-husband the "honeymoon stage" lasted for two years...then we got married. I had another boyfriend that was consistent throughout our relationship. We were always passionate with eachother, but it wasn't meant to be. He actually cheated on me. Which I'm still shocked about.


The last two serious boyfriends I've had including my current were wonderful, affectionate, complimentary for about 3 months and then bam they withdrew. My current is still very affectionate, but no longer compliments or says romantic things. So...that sucks. We've been together 6 months now....so...we'll see what happens.

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For me, the more I care about a person, the warmer I want to be to them. That's how I express comfortableness, I guess.


I feel this way, too.


My b/f and I are four and a half months into this relationship (yes I'm counting the days and weeks .....and we're both very warm and affectionate and complimentary toward each other all the time. I think it's because we appreciate each other so much and feel so lucky to have met .... We are late 40s/early 50s and had nearly given up on love before meeting online.


I know it's the classic honeymoon stage but I hope it lasts forever. I have waited so long for this to happen, I can't imagine ever taking it for granted.

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My relationship didn't have much of a honeymoon phase.

But over the years, we've certainly haven't backed off of each other, and the more we fell in love, the more we knew each other, the more we were able to express it and show it.


I don't have much experience, but we've been together 6 years, and there is a difference between the beginning and where we are now, but as the relationship has matured and grown, the level of 'attention' we've given each other has never died down, and its also easier to 'dote' on each other when you know someone so well. The level of affection and attention hasn't gone down, but its changed. And I would certainly take this type of doting over what is done and expected in the honeymoon stage out of lust.

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