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Feeling a bit in fear.

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I'm probably allergic to soja or I expect to have an intolerance to it. I'm just thinking about 4,5 cookies I ate about 2,5 hours ago. I eat them often and there's not even soy used as an ingredient but the similar ones, the ones with chocolat covered, contains and that must be why it's mentioned as an allergen that's used at the same fabric as this one. I'm just wondering how necessairy it is to feel scared now. Again, I understand it's 'just' a forum and doctor's and hospital medical info usually is the best and the one I mainly should rely on.

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I'm probably allergic to soja or I expect to have an intolerance to it. I'm just thinking about 4,5 cookies I ate about 2,5 hours ago. I eat them often and there's not even soy used as an ingredient but the similar ones, the ones with chocolat covered, contains and that must be why it's mentioned as an allergen that's used at the same fabric as this one. I'm just wondering how necessairy it is to feel scared now. Again, I understand it's 'just' a forum and doctor's and hospital medical info usually is the best and the one I mainly should rely on.


You always post the same thing. Why do you eat these things then?

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It's not an ingredient btw. And I drunk a cup of coffee, a glas of fruitsmoothie and a glass of chocolat milk right after it. All things that are good against allergies. And I just took half an allergy tablet and will take another half now.

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The reason I think about having an allergy or intolerance to soy is b/c I noticed a reaction about 1,5-2 months ago when I drunk whole liter of soy milk almost directly after each other. Even if it contained soy now it must be really little, I think.

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have you eaten these cookies before? did you have a problem then?


i think you're probably alright because you haven't had a problem. like i said before, allergies and intolerances, you'll know right away.


i know it's a pain, but i highly recommend only eating either food you make yourself, so then you can control what goes in there. or if you must eat something prepared, it's better to eat something from a standard recipe (like oreo cookies or a burger at a place like McDonalds) where they ALWAYS have the same ingredients. instead of having food at a place where you don't know what goes in, and especially if it's a small bakery, you don't know what they put in this week. they probably make cookies out of whatever they have around.


most cookies i know of don't contain Soy. or if they have some it is so so so so small that nothing will happen.

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The reason I think about having an allergy or intolerance to soy is b/c I noticed a reaction about 1,5-2 months ago when I drunk whole liter of soy milk almost directly after each other. Even if it contained soy now it must be really little, I think.


wow, why did you drink so much soy milk in one sitting? i think anyone would have a reaction with that much!!!


how much soy is in the cookie? i'd say far far less than a drop. and cookies are baked as well so that probably destroyed the proteins in there as well.

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I asked a friend at that time, who stayed over anyway, to join me walking to the emergency. I decided not to inscribe but preferred to at least explain the situation to the ones at the reception desk (it was night btw). So I felt more comfortable in case it would get worse there I explained them already. I took an allergy tablet and decided to return home there about an hour of time has passed by since I ate it so I expected it would be very safe.

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wow, why did you drink so much soy milk in one sitting? i think anyone would have a reaction with that much!!!



Yeah, I agree. I was out of money for that day and wanted to be sure to have really enough hydratation. It was an exception.

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These ones are from a package at supermarkets too btw. I think the ones covered with chocolat doesn't even contain real soy but only sojalecithine. Which is probably an as heavy allergen as soy but as far as I read on the Internet not everyone with allergy or intolerance to soy reacts to sojalecithine. I think I remember 1 out of 30 did.

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i don't know about europe, but in the US, many cookies have a label that say, "This product is produced in a factory that also processes nuts and soy" or something like that. it doesn't mean that there is soy or nuts in the product, but that it's just PHYSICALLY in the same room! they just have to make that note to cover their butts against lawsuits. like i swear, i doubt that there is even one tiny drop of soy in there. if you gave the cookie to a chemist, i doubt they would be able to find even any soy in there.

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i don't know about europe, but in the US, many cookies have a label that say, "This product is produced in a factory that also processes nuts and soy" or something like that. it doesn't mean that there is soy or nuts in the product, but that it's just PHYSICALLY in the same room! they just have to make that note to cover their butts against lawsuits. like i swear, i doubt that there is even one tiny drop of soy in there. if you gave the cookie to a chemist, i doubt they would be able to find even any soy in there.



Oh. Thank you. Didn't thought of that it could even mean it's only at the same room. Expected it would necessairily go through same machnes, coooking materials,..

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Oh. Thank you. Didn't thought of that it could even mean it's only at the same room. Expected it would necessairily go through same machnes, coooking materials,..


but yeah, they have to say that so they don't get sued. companies are really super careful.


big hugs. i am sure you are fine. get some sleep, ok!?

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