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Should I stop this?

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I really like this guy, we have a lot of things in common but at the same time we are dissimilar. It is really great, to have someone you LOVE talking to. And, I know he feels the same way. I just broke up with my boyfriend about three days after I met him and we had sex. We got to talking one time, we can literally talk about anything and I got this gist he said he would have dated me if I hadn't been so easy. Though he says, "he is just not in a dating place right now."


It's not that I'm upset with our relationship I think he is a great friend and I love having sex with him, it's just... I wish I hadn't been told this. Does that mean I am not dateable in his opinion?

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Yeah I really don't think it would have mattered if you held off or not. It's not that you're not dateable, it's that he doesn't want to commit to anyone. I've felt that regret of giving up a little too much too soon, but don't worry about it. Either learn from it and take it slow with the next guy, or not. No matter what you choose, I would certainly stop worrying about this guy.

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I'm in the same position as your FWB is in. I met a girl, she's great, but our first night we met up, we fooled around and she let me tape it..lol...which is great for a one nighter, problem is, we kept talking, so now it's escalated to a more emotional status. But I wouldn't date her, I like our little FWB status now, but honestly, it would be impossible to trust a girl like that, whether or not your looking for a relationship.

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Guys are genetically predisposed to hunt. They like to win a woman slowly whether they admit it or not. If you want to be with him...I suggest making yourself unavailable. At this point it may be a lost cause, but there is no harm in trying.

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