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Will drugs show up if i've had blood work done for ADD?

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i'm curious as to if anyone has any REAL knowledge, or evidence (personal experiences) regarding if illegal drugs i have done will show up in my blood work for ADD. This morning I had some blood work done, ordered by my doctor to ascertain whether or not my blood is deficient in anything that may cause ADD. My concern is that i dont need anyone finding out that ive been using cannabis and xanax 36 hours prior to the blood work.


If the drugs do show up, despite the fact they are testing me for other things and not drug screening me, will they notify me (more accurately my parents?) OR, will they simply check what they're looking for and tell me the results?


If anyone can give me any insight into this, i would be SO grateful...

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I believe they will just test you for the specific panel necessary for ADD, but I think it would be helpful to tell them you use thc and benzos because it would be indicative of ADD in itself and any medication given to treat possible ADD might interfere with the drugs you take.

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Normally i would have told the doctor, however i am at a point currently where i'm supposed to be sober from everything (please no judgments). I RARELY use xanax, i've only ever done it twice. However, i am frequent cannabis user.


You do believe they will only screen for what may contribute to ADD though?

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Both will show up in bloodwork. They will likely notify you what they've found but I highly doubt they will tell anyone else about it. If there are any drug interactions (and Xanax would conflict with ADD drugs because one is a stimulant and one is a relaxant) that will trigger a red flag for more discussions between you and your doctor.

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I don't judge, I work case management for felons with substance concerns, but I sort of think that when bloodwork for a specific disease is done, (just like a blood drug screen) only the components necessary to indicate the ADD would show up.


I am not certain, but I think this is how it goes. Bloodwork is complicated enough, I believe there are certain strips used for specific elements in the blood.

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I've had blood work done and I agree with Iphi....the doctors test for CERTAIN things. It would be a waste of money/time to do a full blood screening. When you go in for blood work after a check-up, the doctor has usually specified (on a blood work sheet) the tests that he wants done...very specific. Unless he's doing a drug screen on you, I doubt it's going to come up.


On a separate note, you're 19. HIPPA privacy laws say that once you're an adult, you are entitled to confidentiality. Your information cannot be shared unless you specifically waive that right to privacy or you're deemed incompetent and have a guardian or something. I think you're going to be okay.


I am not judging here, but I just want to say...be careful with that Xanax stuff. I'm not getting on my moral high-horse but it is addictive so just be careful, okay? I knew someone who was addicted to narcotics and it's not good at all.


Good luck.

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so what you're saying is, since this blood work was done specifically for ADD analysis (which i recall looking on the blood work sheet, it had three separate things circled) the blood lab is likely to send back the results of those things, since the blood work was not a drug screening?


And if they do screen for the drugs, would they notify the doctor who would then notify me, and not my parentals, since i'm over 18?

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so what you're saying is, since this blood work was done specifically for ADD analysis (which i recall looking on the blood work sheet, it had three separate things circled) the blood lab is likely to send back the results of those things, since the blood work was not a drug screening?


And if they do screen for the drugs, would they notify the doctor who would then notify me, and not my parentals, since i'm over 18?


Well the ADD analysis will likely include areas where you've taken other drugs. Since ADD is treated with a stimulant they may very well screen for drugs that could counteract that.


On the flip side, it would be highly advisable for you to tell your doctor about your use of these things. Your doctor is there to help you and if you are taking drugs that interfere with proper treatment then the doctor really needs to know. It will not be the first time they've ever seen it happen so just be honest with your doc and let them help you.

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Yeah, like I said...they are probably only testing for ADD specifics that they need. Blood work does not involve an ENTIRE panel of tests...it's usually only a few tests that the doctor needs results for.


even if he did find evidence of you using drugs, he can't really notify anyone. That information is between YOU and your doctor. For him to tell anyone but you would be in serious violation of patient-doctor confidentiality laws.

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thank you for your words iphi. It seemed to me like it would be a waste of money/unnecessary to drug screen my blood. my doctor is under the impression i'm completely sober, as my father was in the room when they asked. So as far as they know i've no drugs in my system.


My other concern was- what if the benzo interacted with my blood in some way that affects what theyre looking for? that would certainly cause them to perhaps drug screen me. But as much as i've researched, nothing really says anything about benzos affecting the blood. i'm poorly educated when it comes to things like this, but hopefully they'll just look for what the doctor ordered, and not worry about the rest

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On the flip side, it would be highly advisable for you to tell your doctor about your use of these things. Your doctor is there to help you and if you are taking drugs that interfere with proper treatment then the doctor really needs to know. It will not be the first time they've ever seen it happen so just be honest with your doc and let them help you.


I agree. Any time one of our clients with ADHD relapses on THC or Benzos we know there is a problem with their medications. It seems as though you are self-medicating (I could be wrong) and your doctor should know so you can be as comfortable and healthy as possible.

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thank you for your words iphi. It seemed to me like it would be a waste of money/unnecessary to drug screen my blood. my doctor is under the impression i'm completely sober, as my father was in the room when they asked. So as far as they know i've no drugs in my system.


My other concern was- what if the benzo interacted with my blood in some way that affects what theyre looking for? that would certainly cause them to perhaps drug screen me. But as much as i've researched, nothing really says anything about benzos affecting the blood. i'm poorly educated when it comes to things like this, but hopefully they'll just look for what the doctor ordered, and not worry about the rest


You're welcome. Of this, I am not sure. I honestly don't know what types of neurotransmitters or hormones they would be looking for to test for ADD, I'd guess cortisol or something but I'm probably way off.


I guess the best you can do it wait for the results and ask questions and divulge once you get them.

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Next time you see your doctor, have your dad leave the room. Call ahead if you have to and request that the doctor asks he leave the room since you are an adult now.


You need to tell your doctor about the weed and Xanax. They could interfere with whatever medicine they are thinking about and they could make the ADD worse. Your doctor is not allowed to tell your parents what you tell him as a patient in that office. Even if you've been going to the same doctor since you were a kid and even if the doctor knows your parents.


At 19 your parents shouldn't be in the room anyway for exactly this reason. Trust me, doctors have heard basically everything out there. And for your own safety, the doctor needs to know about any medicine interactions.

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My other concern was- what if the benzo interacted with my blood in some way that affects what theyre looking for? that would certainly cause them to perhaps drug screen me


They would not do other tests without talking to you first. You aren't on probation or anything where they have the right to routinely screen you.


However since you've told your doctor you are sober, I'd strongly advise you to come clean with your doctor. And just do it without your father present. Tell your doctor you don't want your father to know. You don't want your doctor putting you on some dose of meds for ADHD that's going to harm you because you are taking other drugs you haven't told them about.


I'm not judging you. I'm just trying to warn you about taking care of your health. Treating ADHD is tricky enough and the other things you are taking won't make it any easier.

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i understand completely avman. Would you still advise me to tell my doctor when i see her in a matter of weeks that benzos were in my system during the blood work? I dont do benzos regularly, and after my previous experience, perhaps never again. I dont like benzos. so whatever treatment they deem appropriate might be; appropriate.


I do, however, plan to go over my bloodwork with my doctor, alone. I have already told my parents this. My only concern is- if the dr calls and says "hey we have his blood work" (and assume drugs DID show up), would they notify my parents over the phone or can't they because i'm legally an adult?

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Would you still advise me to tell my doctor when i see her in a matter of weeks that benzos were in my system during the blood work?


Yeah I still would. You didn't mention how often you do marijuana but I'd mention that too. You need to let your doc know so that he can advise you saying "Well if you do this you may have these side effects". Of course your doctor will say not to do those drugs because that's his job. But you also want to make sure you aren't doing anything so dangerous that it could jeopardize your safety. Your doc may say "Look, if youve taken Xanax do NOT take this drug I'm prescribing for you". That's the stuff you really want to know.


can't they because i'm legally an adult?


They shouldn't be telling your parents anything specific like that.

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You're 19. If your doctor's office discloses anything about you without your express permission, they are in violation of HIPAA.


Are your parents going with you to the doctor's office? That's tricky. Can you just have them wait in the waiting room?


Make sure you tell the doctor about the weed too, not just the xanax. He's not going to use the information against you, but he needs to know because it can have an impact on any drugs you prescribed.

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When going over the results, if the drugs didnt show up, i will ensure to tell my doctor that i had dabbled with them.



My main question, and its been answered to an extent, but still:


Is it even possible for the drugs to show up on the test, when i never signed a waiver saying they could? I mean, its blood work to see if i have any deficiency that cause ADD, not a drug test. so can they rightfully screen for that? they were testing for 3 separate things, and only took 3-4 vials of my blood...

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Is it even possible for the drugs to show up on the test, when i never signed a waiver saying they could? I mean, its blood work to see if i have any deficiency that cause ADD, not a drug test. so can they rightfully screen for that? they were testing for 3 separate things, and only took 3-4 vials of my blood...


Thats very hard to say. It all depends what chem panels they ordered.

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It is extremely important that you disclose any drugs you are taking before you take any prescription drug. So i'd go to the doctor alone next time, and be honest with them if they prescribe you some medication.


I don't think they do drug screening unless you give permission... they might be checking to see is you have abnormal hormone levels or some other medical condition that might cause symptoms of ADD.


But you do need to disclose that if you're going to take any other medication. And people with any form of biochemical imbalance in the brain (like ADD or depression) need to be very careful about taking recreational drugs, since they can further upset brain chemistry and cause all kinds of problems.


I had a brother in law who could not smoke weed because he would have a schizophrenic episode if he did a lot. So you need to be very careful and not use yourself as a chemical test lab, and many 'abnormal' symptoms can actually be the result of drug use, and once the drug use is discontinued, the brain normalizes again.

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