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An hour in the life of a broken soul


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I censored out the cuss words since the board will message them out but feel try are necassary to the poem since there is a lot of anger and other emotions expressed in this poem. Wad inspired by a mistake I made to have sex a few times with my ex and the last time I was mostly angry at myself for letting it happen but this poem kinda throws my anger onto him.


An hour in the life of a broken soul


She lays there letting him f--- her again

She is his piece of a--

She means nothing to him

She lays there screaming into the night

A scream so loud it burns holes into his skin

Yet so quiet there is no sound

She moans with all of her being

With the sharp knife of agony carving into his soul *

She aches with soft and deep dispair

She scratches his back with her nails

They have blades of hatred

Underneath it all lays the nakedness of a broken heart *

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