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online but doesn't reply


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how many of you have experienced this? (online dating or potential date) the guy emails you first and you reply and you know that they've been online over the weekend (mostly saw your message because they logged onto the dating website) but he doesn't reply you until a few days later in the week.


has this happened to anyone else? what is he thinking? trying look busy on the weekend and so not reply until later in the week? or trying not to look too deseparate replying right away? now if he does reply i feel like i need to wait a few days and i don't want to do that. do guys like to do this? i would like to hear your opinions. thanks in advance!

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Anyone who has been on the dating sites has experienced this. Personally, I will put up with it for a short time, but not for long. It could be any one of the motives you list. I have found out the hard way that if you spot someone who you think is a game player, it is better to cut the losses as early as possible. I ended up getting married to someone who I knew was a game player, just had no idea how much of one until it was too late. Some people play games early on, then quit for the most part once they see potential or get what they want.

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You give yourself a lot more to worry about when you ponder about when a total stranger logs in and why he/she didn't respond to an email since you saw them online. That is irrevelant and does nothing to boost any positivity whatsoever. It's happen to me before and I counteract it by sending enough emails out or having other things to do on the computer.

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This is kind of depressing because I'm kinda hitting a wall with this girl I met online in the same manner and it's not a great feeling. Most of me is wanting, wishing, and hoping she'll message back, but the other part is just saying walk away. So, I just wanted to post this to say thanks for the unintended advice. Maybe I should listen to the little voice... anyways, take care and have a great weekend.

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This is kind of depressing because I'm kinda hitting a wall with this girl I met online in the same manner and it's not a great feeling. Most of me is wanting, wishing, and hoping she'll message back, but the other part is just saying walk away. So, I just wanted to post this to say thanks for the unintended advice. Maybe I should listen to the little voice... anyways, take care and have a great weekend.


Send out enough emails so that if she doesn't ever respond you always have other options to explore.

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Send out enough emails so that if she doesn't ever respond you always have other options to explore.


Thanks for the idea / support, it's just not my style. Aside from that we've been talking for about three months online... it's kinda tough because a RL meeting isn't possible for another ... ... hold on.... hmmm.... thanks actually. You just gave me an idea. NM, bad idea... people generally get pissed if you show up on their doorstep. Hmmm back to the drawing board. I should probably mention she lives in another country. What can I say, I'm complicated lol Anyway, thanks again and have a good night.

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thanks for the advice. i know what you mean but it's just so depressing to finally meet someone who has such great potential to end up finding out that he's just like most of them (playing games). or maybe i am really reading too much into it too soon. i'll wait it out a little longer. still hoping he's different.

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It's really important to remember that you are online with strangers. Someone can suddenly decide they don't want to be in touch any more, or a better match can show up, or they simply are casting a very wide net and can be online checking out fifty other people and don't even remember they owe you a reply.


This is the downside of the Internet. You trade numbers for quality.


It's not personal. Just remember that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had it happen too. I have also done it where I may log on have a quick peek see what if any messages I have and I might leave it till another day to reply usually cause I am busy or I could be using my phone to check and its expensive so I wait till I have the time to reply.


Granted if it happens alot with the same guy then I just give up cause they are probably keeping you in mind for if someone else doesnt come along

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