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My ex hasn't phoned me up at all when she hasn't been drunk in the whole 2.5 months that we have been broken up. this morning right when i got to school i felt my phone ringing didn't even think about her like i usually would and it was her....i was pretty surprised. I answered out of curiosity but didn't act like I cared to to much. We talked for 10 then i said I had to go into class and she said but....i called to chatttt. I said sorry i have too. C ya.


Is this just her fishing into my life to see what's going on in it? she asked about some girl in my school that she didn't like. I'm just confused because why 2.5 months and now she calls when she is not inebriated. I know never to look into anything to soon and this probably means nothing but why do they always want to confuse us. I guess this kind of just threw me off since it's new and something that hasn't happened before.

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Hhhmmm... Kind of hard to tell from such a brief conversation. I would like to tell you to follow up with her when you have a little more time to talk and find out what her intentions were, but I don't know if this might backfire.

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More then likely she had her fishing pole out and was reeling for answers.


It is what the ex's do when you longer feed their blood supply. This right hereis how it started for me before I reconciled.


I would get the typical questions from her ...


"Chris, so do you talk to other girls?!?"


"Yes, I do. I mean, I am just trying to go out and have a good time and enjoy my life."


"Have you slept with anybody?"


"Yes, yes I have." [Keep in mind this was after seeing the girl for 2 months]


"Oh my god, How could you do that? That is disgusting!"


.... Typical stuff like that is how they fish. They want to get into your brain and suck out all of the information that they can. In reality, they are looking for a quick pick me up. Likely, if they are seeing somebody they Rebound is not doing all of the things that he should be. So they seek out the Ex to get the pick me up.


I would give in at first. Then eventually I got to point where I told her, Look I am not here to bull**** around. 4 years together and if you want to work on this all you have to do is tell me. Until then, I have no plans on being on your beckon call whenever you need a quick fix.

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Hmmm it's just really shocking to me she's been so cold with me and so emotionless I just wasn't ever expecting her to call just out of the blue like that when she wakes up in the morning. I was obviously on her mind when she woke up to call me but in a way I wish she didn't call.

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Hmmm it's just really shocking to me she's been so cold with me and so emotionless I just wasn't ever expecting her to call just out of the blue like that when she wakes up in the morning. I was obviously on her mind when she woke up to call me but in a way I wish she didn't call.


Hey Geno, remember what has been said on this board many times. At the 8 week mark they feel the full impact of us not in their lives and usally make contact. Have you been NC the whole 2 1/2 months?

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No I've been in low contact and never really called her once the whole time. I'm thinking about maybe maybe calling her on Sunday morning to chat. I dunno how it will turn out though and I'm not 100% sure if i want too. I just want to get in her good books again and make her remember that i make her laugh!

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