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Your Physical Ideal?

Lady Rashomon

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hmmm, tall, broad shoulders and muscular. Hair and eye color are not very important, as you can find gorgeous men in all colors. But I think if I really had to choose, I would choose someone who looks different than me, so I would go with light eyes and hair.

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My physical idea is a girl who is tall (5'10ish), caramel complexion, curly hair, thin but athletic build, lightly muscular legs and booty and a cute smile.


Sounds like me if I was still hitting the gym and grew 6 inches.

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Hairy men! I don't understand men who shave their chests. That little tuft sticking out of an unbuttoned shirt neck drives me wild!


I like men who are well built. Not overly muscular - I don't mind a bit of a belly or love handles Twinkly eyes, big smile and nice thighs.


No skinny men - It's like going to bed with a crease in the sheets.

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Male= 5'3-5'8, darker than me, dark eyes, dark hair, that muscular-yet-chubby look that guys usually get when they were chubby kids but are now very fit. Not a fan of skinny, not a fan of six pack, not a fan of very tall.


Female- 5'0-5'6, either the mediterannean (long hair, dark eyes, olive skin and curvy) look, or the punky look (thin, short hair, black or coloured hair).


Piercings and tattoos on either sex make me

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Hairy men! I don't understand men who shave their chests. That little tuft sticking out of an unbuttoned shirt neck drives me wild!

Me toooooo! LOL.


The pic that CC posted .... it makes me turn and head for the hills .... lol. ~shudder~

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Me toooooo! LOL.


The pic that CC posted .... it makes me turn and head for the hills .... lol. ~shudder~


LOL!! Me too, but not because of the hair. Mainly the lack of bodyfat and the really strange facial expression. Like "Hello. I like to listen to you. Speak some more".

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Me toooooo! LOL.


The pic that CC posted .... it makes me turn and head for the hills .... lol. ~shudder~


This is my type:


image removed


I could go chubbier and hairier to be honest, the six pack is just a little bonus but not really relevant. So long as he doesn't have that male pregnancy thing going on in his mid-section.

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I don't really fit what anybody says here haha. I'm 5'9", curvy build (small waist type) with some muscle tone, brown hair to about my waist, pale skin currently, and blue eyes.


Not mediterranean haha.


Physical ideal I guess would be having the intelligent slightly mischievous look in their eyes, a nice smile, long hair preferable. I'm not so into pretty boys so I like some facial character. Build usually slim and toned to somewhat "beefy" but not overly so. Height isn't huge but I guess taller than me is better.

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a guy with: roundish "babyface" with big eyes and a button nose, long eyelashes, broad shoulders and back, tall and lanky, delicate hands and feet with clean nails, clean-shaven, smells fresh, beautiful smile, plump and shapely lips with nice teeth, nice natural hairstyle that is neat---no died or eccentric cuts. Dresses in sweaters and cords or neat polo shirts and khakis. Looks sweet and friendly. Blushes easily with rounded cheeks. Race--white or white/black mix with dark hair and chocolate eyes.

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Wow interesting.. this is very far from what would attract me ^


And why the thing about white or a white/black mix?


I really like mix guys too, not all of them , but some are very very hot.


Muscles do it for me every time. Even if a guy is not very good looking but has a very muscular body, I get drawn to him. So guys who complain about your looks, hit the gym and I think you'll be able to pull way more girls.

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Heh, I don't fit anybodies ideal on this thread


I find it difficult to get excited through physical information alone. Usually I find myself attracted to people after I've gotten to know them a bit. That being said, there is in my past one waiter who made me blush.


Tall, strong jaw, expressive eyes, broad shoulders, smallish waist, round buttocks, immaculate crew cut, minimal scruff, long fingers, clean nails, and a hot steaming plate of lasagna.


I don't know if it means anything, but once I was well fed, the attraction was gone!

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Wow, a lot of these are very specific.


And lol, at the people who say they don't fit anyone's ideals...I'm not even sure if there are at least 5 people in this world who fit most of these ideals. But don't worry, some guy will make a post saying how perfect you are for him. Just wait.

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Wow, a lot of these are very specific.


And lol, at the people who say they don't fit anyone's ideals...I'm not even sure if there are at least 5 people in this world who fit most of these ideals. But don't worry, some guy will make a post saying how perfect you are for him. Just wait.


I doubt people are rejecting people because they don't fit their exact type. Maybe younger people, but I certainly don't.

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Wow, a lot of these are very specific.


And lol, at the people who say they don't fit anyone's ideals...I'm not even sure if there are at least 5 people in this world who fit most of these ideals. But don't worry, some guy will make a post saying how perfect you are for him. Just wait.


Well, it is "ideal".


All of my boyfriends have been so physically and mentally different though. I just need to be attracted. They don't need to be anything close to perfect.

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I've found that just because you are attracted to a certain type, doesn't mean that that type is attracted to you...


I like dark haired guys with brown or green eyes, but 9/10 I will be approached by a blonde blue eyed guy.... At the end of the day, if someone's good looking then you'll tend to fancy them on some level - personality can make or break it.

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I've found that just because you are attracted to a certain type, doesn't mean that that type is attracted to you...


I like dark haired guys with brown or green eyes, but 9/10 I will be approached by a blonde blue eyed guy.... At the end of the day, if someone's good looking then you'll tend to fancy them on some level - personality can make or break it.


I've had this happen. I am generally not attracted to very pale blond heavyset guys. I am often approached by these types. I have gone out with a couple (just to see if I would change my mind) and felt nothing. No attraction whatsoever.

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I've had this happen. I am generally not attracted to very pale blond heavyset guys. I am often approached by these types. I have gone out with a couple (just to see if I would change my mind) and felt nothing. No attraction whatsoever.


I always seem to end up going out with guys who are gym fanatics, totally ripped, blond, blue eyed and over 6 feet tall.....


If only there was a chubby, dark haired couch potato out there...but that's like looking for a needle in a haystack

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I doubt people are rejecting people because they don't fit their exact type. Maybe younger people, but I certainly don't.


19 here and- NO WAY! This is all very fantastical. I don't think anyone's dating pool/history has even consisted of 30% of people who'd fit their ideal.

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I always seem to end up going out with guys who are gym fanatics, totally ripped, blond, blue eyed and over 6 feet tall.....


If only there was a chubby, dark haired couch potato out there...but that's like looking for a needle in a haystack


I don't think you're going to elicit much sympathy with this.


19 here and- NO WAY! This is all very fantastical. I don't think anyone's dating pool/history has even consisted of 30% of people who'd fit their ideal.


I've only went on one date with someone who was close to my ideal, so this is probably true.

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I don't think you're going to elicit much sympathy with this.




I've only went on one date with someone who was close to my ideal, so this is probably true.


How was the chemistry on that date?

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