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Your Physical Ideal?

Lady Rashomon

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My main type, I'm lucky to have found in my boyfriend.


Several inches taller than me, bearded, well-built, not as in fat but as in has good strong arms and a broad chest and shoulders, shaggy hairstyle, ability to look sexy while smoking.


I know the last one is a bit odd but I think if a man can look knicker-fizzingly hot while smoking, that's a winner. Even though I don't smoke myself.

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As far as the kinds of people you tend to be attracted to, what's your physical ideal? I think most people, like myself, can find any number of different "types" attractive, but what tends to get your turbines whirring?


slim / athletic, well dressed, confident, healthy hair, large eyes, nice legs, a tight tummy, and a round tush will give me whiplash every time.


I am also easily hypnotized by large sparkly ear rings and belly button rings.


But not lip rings, they make people look like there's a fishhook in their mouth to me.

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I love pretty people. So, I really dont have a "type" other than I like for the men to be taller than me, I"m 5'9. Funny enough, I am super picky about women. The first woman that I was ever sexual with was beautiful. Long dark hair, olive skin, green eyes, skinny waist, curvy hips and just a knock out. So, this has set me up to be so freakin picky when it comes to women. I am a sucker for this look, the mediterranian look, I guess you'd call it. I love men with this same dark look. Black hair, green eyes, olive skin, very little body hair, nice muscles and a great big, long, hard....oh god...I havent had sex in forever.

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Somewhat shorter (I'm 5' 10.5") brunette with shoulder length or longer hair, B-C cup breasts, looooong legs, and a great smile. I prefer a woman who is not overweight but who I can also not see the ribs of all the time. I am not concerned with how much she weighs so much as how she looks and how healthy she is. I prefer white, asian, or latino in general.

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I really like larger, prominent noses on men. An intelligent face, flashing kind eyes - does me in every time. And a great smile, nice full lips.


Any colour of skin; doesn't matter. Oh, piano hands and big feet; I like that too. lol.


A fit body and flexible, someone who I can wrestle around with - I like that too.


Well I guess I'm not that specific in tastes; he just has to have a spark about him.

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I love pretty people. So, I really dont have a "type" other than I like for the men to be taller than me, I"m 5'9. Funny enough, I am super picky about women. The first woman that I was ever sexual with was beautiful. Long dark hair, olive skin, green eyes, skinny waist, curvy hips and just a knock out. So, this has set me up to be so freakin picky when it comes to women. I am a sucker for this look, the mediterranian look, I guess you'd call it. I love men with this same dark look. Black hair, green eyes, olive skin, very little body hair, nice muscles and a great big, long, hard....oh god...I havent had sex in forever.


Wow, I think we have the same type!


I'm also a sucker for tall men with dark blonde hair and intelligent blue eyes who are fit and scruffy yet sharply dressed. A devilish smile, clear skin, and soft lips will do me in all the time. And he can't be too skinny--a man who can pick me up and throw me down is always hot in my book.

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I've liked a lot of types but what I notice is that I tend to go for pretty boys, who look more down-to-earth and boy-next-door but has a really pretty face - those big eyes that makes you feel like you're the entire focus, thick eyebrows, a tall straight nose and well... just a really really great face. Body I don't really mind if he's considered quite short but that's only if his face compensates for it. I tend to go for the darker look - such as spanish, latino or brown guys. Blond hair and blue eyes never did it for me.

It would even be better if he's a bit broody!


But I also like guys with nice bodies, and broad shoulders and long legs.. but I'd say that generally I fall for the pretty boys who are good looking but not in an intimidating sort of way.

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I have almost always preferred big men- Tall and broad.


Ideally, between 6' and 6'5, and 190 - 230 lbs.


I like well built & muscular, but with a softness.. I don't care for a six pack (unless it's w little insulated). He's gotta have a little underbelly- can't have that with a six-pack. But he definitely must outweigh me, tower over me and be able to pick me up...


As I get older, I find I am attracted to guys who age in that somewhat leathery way- lots of facial hair (not necessarily a beard, but that they get good stubble) deep forehead lines and crows feet that suggest a lifetime of squinting into the sun. Hair loss isn't a big deal to me...but trying to hide it is a huge turn off. I like a man who looks like he's LIVED and experienced life...no 'pretty boys' for me.


I am so lucky that DH fits all this....then again, maybe it's because it's what he's got, that it's what I want......


Edit to add: Swarthy- YES! I just read some posts above...LOVE the mediterranean look.


Either way, FE is a happy camper..

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My perfect ideal: At least 5'9, dark hair (collarbone or shorter) and eyes, slim but a little bit tones (I don't like really big bodybuilders), olive skin, intellectual, (I guess that's not really physical), mustache in some cases, clean shaven in others (I don't like beards generally).

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Purely physical? Hmm...this is tough. I don't think I have an ideal but I'll try to describe...


I typically like larger men, usually soft and with a belly. I don't like muscular guys or that "I work out a lot" look. I like either dark hair or grey hair. No preference on eye colour. He needs to smell nice and he shouldn't shave his chest or anything.


I don't care if he's my height (5'7'') or taller, but he shouldn't be shorter. I don't mind some facial hair but it shouldn't be a full beard.

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Am I the only one here who has a huge thing for blonde?

lol alright not that huge..but I do like blonde guys (good looking blondes are sexually very hot to me) and 6 ft or above.No big/very strong guy but he does need to work out regularly and no smoking,definitely no chest hair and shave the facial hair...

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I like the ones that smell nice. I like nice lips. I like stubble/facial hair. I like being able to grab the hair on their head. I looooooooooooove nice voices. I love cozy arms but I don't exactly have a size preference. And I usually like brown sparkly eyes. Of course they should also be taller than me.


Other than that, there's no real "type" that I've got.

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In a nutshell: long dark hair, big dark eyes, slender build, and a pale or olive complexion.


For the most part, seconded. I was perusing the picture thread to try and help another member with another thread (determining body type . . . but she deleted her photo), and came accross a picture of Quirky.


That's pretty close to my ideal.

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Dark hair either short or a little shaggy, muscular but not too much (six pack and nice arms-soccer player style-taylor lautner lol yum) about 5'8 or taller (im 5'3) nice smile, green eyes(but eye colour isnt a factor really), not too thin but also not too big either. clear skin, some stubble if it looks decent otherwise clean shaven, well dressed-prep rock band style, strong enough to pick me up, more tanned...



Now where Can I find you?

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Long dark hair, tan skin, brown or blue eyes, curvy body... not too thin.


I look exactly like that. There's hope for me..


For the most part, seconded. I was perusing the picture thread to try and help another member with another thread (determining body type . . . but she deleted her photo), and came accross a picture of Quirky.


That's pretty close to my ideal


aww Shallow..I read though you like the slender legs, that's not me I'm afraid



My ideal..I don't know. Just someone that dares to be an individual. Usually something has to look wrong/odd/unusual/unique. If not in their looks then in their attitude. Don't mind any skin colour.. though I am not hugely attracted to the Meditteranean look because I am like that myself so I tend to like something different. I am also not attracted to quite overweight guys because I was overweight as a teenager and it was awfull.

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Don't mind any skin colour.. though I am not hugely attracted to the Meditteranean look because I am like that myself so I tend to like something different.


I think this may be why I like the Mediterranean look. lol I am blonde and blue/green eyed, my son is also a blue eyed blonde. So, to me the Med look is so exotic and so opposite of me. My son and I both are pale. We have the milky creamy skin, I guess you'd call it. So, the olive skin and dark features are literally the exact opposite of me and I find that so hawttt!!

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I look exactly like that. There's hope for me..





I've seen your pic and have to say you truly are a beautiful woman and from the posts I've read very interesting, you should have no problem finding a good man. I know if I were single and lived in your area I would ask you out. Not saying I qualify as a good man though...

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I think this may be why I like the Mediterranean look. lol I am blonde and blue/green eyed, my son is also a blue eyed blonde. So, to me the Med look is so exotic and so opposite of me. My son and I both are pale. We have the milky creamy skin, I guess you'd call it. So, the olive skin and dark features are literally the exact opposite of me and I find that so hawttt!!


Yes 4 out of 5 of my partners were very pale with green eyes. You should come here Catdancer, plenty of what you like


I've seen your pic and have to say you truly are a beautiful woman and from the posts I've read very interesting, you should have no problem finding a good man.


thank you for your kind words Kaiser_Soze, I hope you are right

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