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Not heard from him... what do i do now?


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I posted yesterday about suspicions my bf was seeing his ex still, in fact i was pretty angry yesterday and i sent him a rather short message back saying id catch up in the week with him. Anyway, after i sent that i get no reply back and today ive had no text or anything. I sent him a message a few hours ago to break the ice but nope hes not got back to me.


Now im thinking ive completely over reacted and the short message was out of order. What do i do now? Sit round and wait?


As well, i do need to talk to him and think its time i laid my cards on the table, im not going to accuse him of seeing his ex but more along the lines im pretty upset at the moment as hes not introduced me to his friends (which he hasnt) so i want to approach it that way. Would putting my feelings down in an email be a cowardly thing to do instead of talking face to face? Imnot very good at putting my feelings accross face to face

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