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Guys.. if you show pix of your family to a girl, does it mean you like her?


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I really like this guy, and have been hanging out with him at concerts, some his some friends, and we always talk, laugh, flirt, hit, smack, playful bickering. i absolutely adore this guy to the fullest extent. i get butterflies when i see him. he's very attentive always facing me, (Except when hes trying to scare me or act taller than me) amazing eye contact,and we touch a lot. im pretty sure he likes me too.. and friday he sat there, and took out his phone (cuz he looked through mine at all the pictures of my work i did on there) and he let me look through it, he showed me his friends, his band mates, crushes he had on celebrity women, and his family. he sat really close to me to show me his family. and i felt.. amazing. my last 2 ex's never showed me their phones, let alone anything in them. but he was showing me texts, pictures, and his whole phone. is this something guys normally do? or only when they like or trust someone ?

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From the sounds of it he likes you, if you guys aren't exclusive yet then don't take it to heart, but know that it's a good sign, as in he's trying to prove to you that he has nothing to hide, and that he can be trusted, thats what I would do to show a girl I could be trusted, I did the exact same thing last night with this girl i've been seeing for a couple weeks.

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