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Step 1

In the beginning we were going strong,

Knew we would still be together all along,

Feeling you next me to makes me smile,

Makes my life worth living makes it worthwhile.


step 2

We are still going strong its been a year,

If you would ever leave I would shed a tear.

We have so much in common and have so much fun,

I never want this feeling to be done.


Step 3

Still happy as ever as I wake up to you eachday,

Please last forever this is what I pray.

You give me a kiss on my forhead and say I love you,

I give you a kiss on the lips and say I love you to


step 4

Things begin to happen we start to fight,

I start to feel lonely your always out of sight,

I shed tears hoping you will not go,

The love that you use to give I want you to show.


step 5

Things become worse and we are on shaky ground,

This is not the person that I looked for and found,

We need to fix this before its to late,

We cant rely on eachother not even fate.


step 6

You left me all alone and now I am sad,

Anger towards you is becoming really bad,

If you were not ready why did you ask me out,

Now all you do is tell me to shutup and shout.



stage 7

Things start to get heavy and really take its toll,

Do you remember we gave eachother our heart and soul?

Phone calls start to disapear and seeing you as well,

Everyone is telling me only time will tell.


stage 8

Its been such along time since you came to see me,

Did you forget who I was after you had to flee?

Everyones saying let go and and relive,

But there is so much more that I was willing to give.


stage 9

Anger hurt and sadness still wont go away,

I still love and want you back even till this day.

Go out and live your life without me,

Go and be single happy and free


stage 10


Im trying to find myself and be happy to,

Go out and have fun and do what you do,

Its not that easy when I care more then you,

Now I know im trying to hold onto every clue


Stage 11

No more calls just me sitting here,

Still thinking of the memories and holding in that tear,

Shouldn't I have been fine and been ok alone,

Without worrying if your over me and picking up that phone,


stage 12


Now I am here still thinking about you,

Still feeling unhappy and still feeling blue.

Wanting you to be happy but realize what you had,

Dont want you to be angry with me or even mad



please tell me what you think

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Hey Ang3l2004,


That was a well versed rhyme that moved me in ways that cannot be explained. I have been there more than once in my life. I have an incredible pain in my heart that poem brought up again. I feel for your pain that you suffer through now because I remember how it hurts when I was there.


Keep letting the pain and anger out through anymeans you can (within reason). You will find that this will help you in the long run to snap out of this rut.


Good luck my dear!


I am truly sorry that your in so much pain.




Be strong and you'll pull through this.



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