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Her feelings she hides

Her dreams she can't find

She's losing her mind

She's fallen behind

She can't find her place

She's losing her faith

She's falling from grace

She's all over the place


What's wrong, what's wrong now?

Too many, too many problems.

Don't know where she belongs

She wants to go home, but nobody's home

It's where she lies, broken inside.

With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes.

Broken inside.




the day you slipped away

was the day I found it

too hard to live

the day you slipped away

was the day I found

it wont be the same


i didn't get around to kiss you goodbye on the hand

i wish that i could see you again

i know that i can't

i hope you can hear me

i remember it clearly


i've had my wake up

won't you wake up

i keep asking why

i can't take it

it wasn't fake

it happened you passed by

now you're gone

there you go

somewhere i can't bring you back


i miss you.




i used to not like avril lavigne, u kno... what a poser. but she is so young, and she writes all of her lyrics by herself. Try reading some, they are like poetry. I could relate to so much, and it must take guts to lay out your feelings like that so the whole world can see right thru you. It must take guts to not care if they call you a bit**. Maybe a lot of people don't like her because she is so out there, being scrutinized by the public eye, every flaw, every failing, every non-perky part of her. they notice how snobby it seems to be so rich and famous, and to not bother to put on a happy face around fans. but for some reason i find it easier to look up to this flawed, unappreciative teenager, then a lot of these phony "idols" being produced in our society (no, i'm not talking about american idol, just in general) is it because i can relate? admitting that i am more flawed than most? uh, most likely... but I think its also because i am searching in this world for something real, i am struggling to grasp it, and when i see other people doing the same, i feel a connection.



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i love that song from her. i have always liked her though, to tell you the truth that is my favoriate song on her new cd, only because that is how i feel half the time. really, if you knew me you would know why.

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I just read an article in CosmoGirl! about Avril just about an hour ago. I use to think the same thing about her-what a poser. This isn't what punk is. But it's music, who is to judge?? I like her, she's real. Not some phony that tries to impress everyone, she is herself. I respect her majorly. She is 19 and plays guitar, piano, sings, writes most of her own music.



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