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wish i hadnt broken NC


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Hi guys, am sure some of u hear know my story, dated my ex for two years, he said he didn't know if I was the one for the future and I decided to call it quits. We tried remaining in LC and a month after we had sex, and he asked me to get back, initially, then later said he didn't think it would be a good idea becos he wouldn't want to string me along.


Basically he told me several reasons that made me conclude he was prob commitment phobic. Anyway I decided to go NC and was in NC for 35 days. During the nc, I was shocked I started to feel like I was okay without him, then he started to contact me, and on day 32 he told me he wanted to see me.


After that I decided to take his call. We talked, and I guess talking with him drove me crazy for him again. He said he had missed me, wanted me back, but still was still the same about the marriage issue.


I initially told him I couldn't do it, cos it would hurt. But since this happened I haven't eaten or slept. Am just confused. Shld I have gone back? Might he change his mind if I go back? Shld Ihave continued nc? Would he have become more marriage inclined if I had continued nc?

Shld I go limited contact, hoping he changes his mind and realises what is in front of him?


I still want him back, but at least wit some hope for the future

Am going insane with these thoughts.

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What do you want? If it is a future with him and marriage then move on. He has made it clear that is not what he wants.


I agree sweetheart. He's seen was his life is like without you and he still cannot say that you are the one for him. I had a friend who wasted 5 years with a guy who said the same. Many Men are honest and our job is to really listen. I would move on if I were you.

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