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Any yips for being less nervous around my boyfriend


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Hi guys, im in a new relationship been seeing each other for about 10 weeks now. Im a fairly shy person and sometimes find it hard when i meet new people.


This relationship really seems to be bringing out my shyness mainly because i really like this guy and don't want to mess things up! Before for example he called me and suddenly i got all nervous, my heart was beating and i just feel like im saying really stupid things.


Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome my nerves?



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First, that's so sweet Getting nervous around him isn't something to beat yourself up over. Some guys find it rather cute actually, but I don't think your nerves will last very long - just takes some getting more comfortable with him, that's all.


Be confident and remind yourself he likes you for a reason.

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It is usually quite hard to force yourself to be less shy, especially when every fibre of your being tells you to bundle up and curl into a ball of shyness! However it is possible. Just keep reminding yourself that you are IN the relationship now, you're not trying to become lovers - you are lovers. So you have little to worry about with regards to making a bad impression because the impression has likely already been made!


It's always best to take situations by storm (like those surprise phonecalls) without procrastinating or flapping about wondering what to say, because that's when your mind wanders and you get even MORE shy. Pace yourself, take it slow. Let your brain calm down before you respond. Eventually it'll get easier and easier, the closer you both get.


Hope that helps a bit.

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