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Healthcare Field - Which profession?

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I have always had jobs or volunteered in the health care field. Now going through college, I have started to pursue different ideas about what career to focus on.


My problem is simply this:


1. I want to pursue a profession which is in need


2. I would like to focus on a profession that requires more schooling than perhaps an RN. (I'd like to go to med school but not sure if I have the motivation to repeat 1-2 years of school to raise my GPA then start fresh with chem/bio courses)


3. Obviously financial security is important therefore I would like a well paying job.



I've considered going into nursing, anesthesiology, or just going to med school to specialize as a doctor. I would like to go for a profession that requires more schooling than an RN. I know anesthesiology is very competitive which is intimidating. I just am overwhelmed by the amount of commitment and motivation it would take just to get into med school let alone make it through just to go through internship then residency.


Any suggestions?


Sorry this is a very typical 18-22 year old thread, but I would like to pursue a path and become passionate about school again. It seems like whenever I find a passionate career choice that I am attempting I just do better in school (motivation/interest).

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I recommend not going into any health care career for which you feel a doubt in your own motivation. You'll be responsible for choices that could determine whether someone lives or dies... they deserve more than just someone who's trying to figure out how to get motivated in school.

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I recommend not going into any health care career for which you feel a doubt in your own motivation. You'll be responsible for choices that could determine whether someone lives or dies... they deserve more than just someone who's trying to figure out how to get motivated in school.


I agree with this. Remember, neither becoming an MD or Nurse is a walk in the park. If you're not already in a nursing program it is likely you will have to do at least 1 or 2 more years additionally before you can become one.


I think what you want is not "more school than an RN" but "more prestige, like an MD, rather than an RN"... Of course there is something intuitively (and perhaps morally) wrong with this. However, it's not at all uncommon - so don't be afraid to admit it... at least to yourself. Then think about what you really want.

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I think what you want is not "more school than an RN" but "more prestige, like an MD, rather than an RN"... Of course there is something intuitively (and perhaps morally) wrong with this. However, it's not at all uncommon - so don't be afraid to admit it... at least to yourself. Then think about what you really want.


I agree with this. If you're looking for more school than becoming nurse just for some impressive letters after your name then I encourage you to rethink this. RN school is not easy.

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I agree with this. Remember, neither becoming an MD or Nurse is a walk in the park. If you're not already in a nursing program it is likely you will have to do at least 1 or 2 more years additionally before you can become one.


I think what you want is not "more school than an RN" but "more prestige, like an MD, rather than an RN"... Of course there is something intuitively (and perhaps morally) wrong with this. However, it's not at all uncommon - so don't be afraid to admit it... at least to yourself. Then think about what you really want.


I didn't clarify enough. I want more schooling than a RN for two reasons. I would like to pursue a career which will be in demand for as long as possible. I feel that if I am in a career which takes more schooling and is more difficult, then less people will be able to obtain that status. The second reason is that in the past couple decades it is a given people will need/want to go to secondary schooling, at least it will be more apparent. The expectation of a middle/high class citizen in our country is encouraged to attempt some type of secondary schooling as to make our society more educated which is better for us all in the long run. If I obtain a bachelor's in some career, I feel that in maybe 20-30 years it will lose its importance in some fashion. Granted, nursing has a promising future in many ways. And more in depth, I am capable of doing so much more than a 4 year degree.


I am a very motivated person even though my OP didn't sound like it. I just need goals, and the point of this thread is to help me brainstorm for certain career paths which take more schooling than my example of an RN.


Also, I am certain for the health care field because I am passionate for helping people. The volunteering and community work would not bother me one bit as a prerequisite for let's say medical school because I love to do that type of work (helping people in certain ways).


Currently I am employed as a support staff for mentally handicapped individuals. I take care of them in the ways that we take care of ourselves. Examples would be bathing, cleaning, cooking, eating, etc. I know I am capable of much more though. I strive for greatness and I enjoy challenges as well. Which is why I need help in deciding a career path.


And about the "prestige" idea, I don't think necessarily being a M.D. would give you prestige. There are many careers and some are harder to obtain than others. There will always be another area of expertise that will "one up" another career.

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...the point of this thread is to help me brainstorm for certain career paths which take more schooling than my example of an RN.



The nurse practitioner advice is a good one.


Also, how about... physiotherapy, occupational therapy, chiropractor, natural medicine or osteopathic medicine, social work (similar to what you're doing now), clinical psychology, dentistry... all I can think of at the moment.


Within medicine itself there is family medicine, neurosurgery, anesthesiology (previously mentioned?), psychiatry, ob/gyn, plastic surgery... to name a few that come to mind.


good luck!

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