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Been on a few dates with a girl I met on link removed, been about two weeks since we've started seeing each other. Things seem to going well...supposed to go to dinner, a movie and a party yesterday afternoon where I said she can meet some of my friends. She's a divorcee and we're both 26. About an hour after setting out plans she texted saying she wasn't ready for meeting friends and that she needs to take baby steps and that I should just go to the party and I didn't get to see her yesterday. After trying once to change her mind I said ok and that was that. She said we can do something during this week though.


Her and I are both huge hockey fans and our hockey team just made the playoffs after a two year drought and she had said that she hasn't gotten to see a playoff game in forever. I have season tickets and get the tickets easily. I wanted to surprise and take her to Game 1 coming up on wed. If you are a hockey fan, you know how exciting it is. Anyway I'd like to give her space and let things unfold and let her call me or contact me when she's ready but I need to know if she's going to go with me on Wednesday or not soon so that I can ask someone else to go if she says no.


Where should I go from here? I am not freaking out or anything but obviously this wasn't something I was hoping would happened. My roommate says that I was moving too fast when i wanted this girl to meet my friends...you guys agree with that? And also, should I say discuss the matter with her the next time I talk to her? I personally didn't think it was too fast but I guess in hindsight may be I should have waited a few more weeks.


Did I break some rule by wanting her to meet some of my friends after two weeks of dating? I completely understand she wants to take things slow due to her divorce so I want to make sure I am not suffocating her or scaring her off.

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Relax, you didn't break any rules. Just ask her to the game, I'm a big hockey fan too, and I think my team just lost to yours...lol. Just let her know you have tickets and being that you know she's a big fan you'd like her to go with you, but if she can't make it no big deal.

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I don't think it's about "moving too fast" it just depends on many things, in your scenario, you have to understand, that it isn't you at all, she is a divorcee, so naturally, you can expect for her to tread extremely carefully with any new guy she meets. Thats a given.

It also depends on how casual you present the idea. As in, if you make it a big deal, like, "I would like you to meet my friends" rather than approaching it casually, like, "come out tonight, theres a party goin on" like it all depends on the vibes you give out.

I started dating this girl not too long ago, our first date, she met my brother, but it happened so casually she didn't even think anything of it. he promotes a club we went to, and I made an introduction. But if, for instance, I were to of said something like.."I really want you to meet my brother tonight, would you come out, I want him to meet you" i'm sure she would've been a little more cautious about it.


As for what you should do, that is a tough one, I think maybe you should hold back on the surprise idea, and just tell her about it.

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Relax, you didn't break any rules. Just ask her to the game, I'm a big hockey fan too, and I think my team just lost to yours...lol. Just let her know you have tickets and being that you know she's a big fan you'd like her to go with you, but if she can't make it no big deal.


Lol bebeblondie, assuming you're a rangers fan, No I am not a flyers fan....my location should give it away


And yes I think I am just going to be non chalant about it as if nothing has happened and just ask her to the game as I originally intended. I don't want to make the situation more awakward than it already is.

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Yeah i hear what you're saying. I thought was pretty casual about it. I stated it as "I just want to stop at this party and say hi to one of my friends who is in from jacksonville and may be you can meet some of my friends while we are at it". Hindsight that probably come off as me saying the reason we are going was to meet my friends not to just stop by. We'll see what happens.

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It was nice of you to ask and it's OK for her to not want to meet your friends after two weeks. You haven't broken any rules though. I'm sure she thinks nothing of it, just that she didn't think she was ready to come meet your friends.


Ask her to the hockey game

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Well not sure what to think yet but I called her this evening to ask her to the game. Nothing yet, but I haven't known her enough to tell if she won't reply back. Although when we met original she wasn't really interested and decided to ignore my phone calls till I finally emailed her to make sure things were over and at the time they were.


Who knows, just needed to rant and let that out. Thanks for reading and for the advice everyone. This site has been a great way to deal with a lot of things.

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And just like that things are over. Asked her to the game she said yes and then an hour later texted me and she doesn't feel chemistry and that's it.


I hate it when people do stuff like that over text! But either way I tried and I really need to try and not let this deter me.

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