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I need to pee often before I can reach a toilet. :( Since about 5 months ago, I think.

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You will NOT have any bills to pay if you go to the "Urgences" department of your local hospital. What is preventing you from doing this?


Meantime, could I ask you to look up the word "troll" on the internet.



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If I peed my pants once, I'd be at the doctor. I cant understand why you've been suffering for 5 months with pissy pants. Do they make Depends and incontinence pads there? Have you been using them to at least save your clothes?


This could be a serious health issue. Have you read CallingAllAngels thread on her peeing problems? If it is an infection that has gone untreated for this long, you may have "holding" problems...meaning the muscles or kegels that you squeeze to "hold it" will stop working and you will no control. It can affect the "urge" to go, meaning that you dont realize you have to pee until you actually do pee.

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Thanks a lot.


I wasnt being sarcastic. I have a family member who uses the incontinence pads to save her clothes as she cant cough, sneeze or make hard movements without peeing. I was thinking that the pads may help you on your laundry costs.


And I am also advocating going to a doctor or the Urgent care. As my last post said, this is not something to wait around on as it can cause long lasting, irreparable damage.

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BG, we don't give a crap (no pun intended) about your laundry, we care about your health, which you're destroying by avoiding a doctor. You could suffer from very serious long-term effects because of this.


Get off the computer, quit arguing with us, and go to a doctor.

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You said it was costing you more...



Oh, I'm sorry then. Well, in fact I spend the same but I need to change my pants more often. And sometimes I put them temporarily at other places than my room till I have enough to fill a laundry machine so maybe.. yeah. I just have to avoid light dirty clothing inside my room.

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It depends on several ways how to look at it. I mean, if the other things would have stayed the same (so not would have done recently things that cause I have not really extra laundry costs) I would have higher costs now than 6 months ago. Also, there's a toilet 1 meter away from my room so the situation of being ill so spending a lot time at home isn't representing how this problem would affect my life/laundry in case I'd live a life travelling, going out, being at an exam building,..

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's how they test if it's in fact what you just mentioned, my pharmacist responded to me. By finding out if it's solved after the antibiotics.

I had to pee at the doctor's place and then she put a piece of paper (the ones to test, I guess. That chance color, I expect.) in it and wrote the presribtion. ( it looks strange to me I typed a 'B'. )

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