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Need a male point of view on this


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If a guy was seeing a girl for a couple of months and she texted him one night telling him it was over in not such a nice way because of something he did, and he didn’t reply to her until a week later with a long apology….would you consider that as him not being into her, or him being sincere in the sense that it must’ve been on his mind all week and he might’ve not known the best way to approach?

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If a guy was seeing a girl for a couple of months and she texted him one night telling him it was over in not such a nice way because of something he did, and he didn’t reply to her until a week later with a long apology….would you consider that as him not being into her, or him being sincere in the sense that it must’ve been on his mind all week and he might’ve not known the best way to approach?


What?!? I don't understand...why would the girl even care if he was into her or not if SHE was the one who told HIM it was over?

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What?!? I don't understand...why would the girl even care if he was into her or not if SHE was the one who told HIM it was over?


It's not so much caring, this is something that happened to me a while ago...I was just having a discussion with one of my friends about it, we were talking about our frustrations with dating lol. So it got me wondering and I just thought I'd get some opinions on here.

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Break up through text.


I didn't even consider that part. If a chick broke up with me over something like that via a text message (not that I blow people off, but for some people it can happen) and then started wondering if I even cared because I waited a week to respond, let's just say I wouldn't even bother with a heartfelt apology since it would seem the girl didn't even "care" enough to break up with me in person or over the phone at least.

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I didn't even consider that part. If a chick broke up with me over something like that via a text message (not that I blow people off, but for some people it can happen) and then started wondering if I even cared because I waited a week to respond, let's just say I wouldn't even bother with a heartfelt apology since it would seem the girl didn't even "care" enough to break up with me in person or over the phone at least.


I understand that but the whole relationship was through text. I mean we saw each other in person quite a bit but when we weren't together we only communicated throught text. I do agree that's not the way to go.

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I've never understood texting as a way to communicate in a relationship. It's great for what it was designed for - sending short messages like "I'm going to b l8 4 dinner" when one of you is unable to talk on the phone. But it's a POOR substitute for real conversation. People having text conversations between their cell phones - when they could just TALK to each other - is ridiculous.

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Agreeing to get together on a certain day and then not following through with it,


That's the dealbreaker that prompted a nasty text breakup? I would say the guy probably wasn't kicking himself over it all week, because his ex was melodramatic and not really worth the effort.

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did he have a reason for standing you up like that? it would bother me if we were dating and he just stood me up without a reason. it would be a deal breaker for me and i would've broken up with him if there wasn't a good reason.


i'd say ty for his apology but no ty to future dates...




trying to figure out what the other person feels is pointless. be productive, figure out what you feel and what your boundaries are....

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did he have a reason for standing you up like that? it would bother me if we were dating and he just stood me up without a reason. it would be a deal breaker for me and i would've broken up with him if there wasn't a good reason.


i'd say ty for his apology but no ty to future dates...




trying to figure out what the other person feels is pointless. be productive, figure out what you feel and what your boundaries are....


The reason that he gave me a week later was that he was crazy busy with work, however what I can't understand is why he wouldn't have contacted me the day of the date and just have said he couldn't make it.

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The reason that he gave me a week later was that he was crazy busy with work, however what I can't understand is why he wouldn't have contacted me the day of the date and just have said he couldn't make it.


in that case, i call b/s on his excuse and his apology. i agree with you. i wouldn't even reply to his measly text.

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I agree with those who say stay away from texting. Texting is fine for certain types of communication such as when you are in a place where you just can't call for some reason, but can type something quick like "running late, be there in 5," but it's not a good way to communicate important things in a relationship.


The fact that he waited a week to apologize for standing you up speaks volumes.

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If a guy was seeing a girl for a couple of months and she texted him one night telling him it was over in not such a nice way because of something he did, and he didn’t reply to her until a week later with a long apology….would you consider that as him not being into her, or him being sincere in the sense that it must’ve been on his mind all week and he might’ve not known the best way to approach?


The latter.

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I think in the future if you have this concern, talk to him face to face. You'll get a more immediate reaction, no doubt about it.


Yes I don't think I will do this again, I think we both should've handled the situation better. Oh well lesson learned.

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