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23 and 18?


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12%? Provide a link?



OP, I don't see why you two shouldn't give it a shot. Be aware though that you and her are at different stages in life and may want different things.

Most sources are citing 10-12%, but I did find one with actual data, and it looks like about a 20% chance of success. Compared to around 50% for the general public.

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Well we've continued talking and I finally asked her out for a date this coming weekend. I know her parents very well and they really like me. I'm taking things slow and trying to really get to know her instead of just diving in as having her as my girlfriend.


She seems like a very nice girl that's easy to get along with, and she's very attractive. I'm going to continue to take things slow with her about to start college and just see how things go.

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Well we've continued talking and I finally asked her out for a date this coming weekend. I know her parents very well and they really like me. I'm taking things slow and trying to really get to know her instead of just diving in as having her as my girlfriend.


She seems like a very nice girl that's easy to get along with, and she's very attractive. I'm going to continue to take things slow with her about to start college and just see how things go.


I hope taking things slow means no sex. I know people have different definitions, but that's what it means to me.

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No sex, and not getting "serious" anytime soon. Just dates and having fun. It may even be awhile before I even ask her to be "official" if things go well.


Good for you ... taking your time, especially since she's going to college, is a wise move.

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May I just say that I think people under 25 have no business being 'official' anyway. That is the time you're supposed to try on new people - lots of them (I'm talking about dating; get your mind out of the gutter!) - to see what kind of person you're compatible with.


Have fun. Date around. Date several girls. Let HER date several guys.


If you don't, and you get her involved with you without her ever having the opportunity to be a single, 'adult' lady, and you guys end up getting married, you'll have a 50/50 chance she'll become disillusioned and cheat on you. Or at the very least, divorce you.


Let her become an adult on her own, with you as someone she has fun with but doesn't try to conform herself to.

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