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Wish i could forget....


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Me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years. Last month we said we'd "split up" although we were texting and talking as normal as could be with the same amount of love. However last week i found out that she had slept with someone else just days after the aparent split. When i confronted her she grovelled and grovelled but as soon as i said lets try again, she doesnt seem to be fussed. I want to forget about it all but i cant get the mental images out of my head. Whenever i tell her this she now says i'm over reacting and that we wasn't even together even tho she still told me she loved me. How can i forget ? am i over reacting? any advice please?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just think its realllly odd that she begs and begs for you two to get back together, and then as soon as you guys are, she just shrugs off your worries? I'd be rather saddened that my SO got with someone so soon after the relationship ended. She should at least acknowledge that you're worried, understand why, and then reassure you that it really meant nothing.

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Its simple, you either have to look past this or leave her and move on


If you choose to look past this and forgive her then you have to actually do this, you cant bring it up in arguements or let it bother you all the time.


Personnally I would just move on, the relationship has been tainted now

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You need to leave her my friend. After two years in your relationship she basically cheated on you; forget about the apparent "split" ... it was only an excuse to sleep with this other guy. She had planned it --- and is getting away with it.

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I don't think you're overreacting, she's being hot and cold with you. She grovels when you try to leave and then acts indifferent when you warm up to her. She sounds very immature and clearly not ready to be in a committed relationship.

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