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Im depressed and thinking of death. Im stuck in this apartment...got a 10.75 and hour a job and don't know what im gonna do. I wanna be more successful, have more money, get some more friends, etc. I'm 27 years old...should have done more by now. Never thought I would get this old though to be hoenst...never really thought about it or made plans for the future.

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Sit down and write what you want to do with your life besides being with someone who is going to treat you with respect regardless of your job and what you do.


Focus career wise and take the necessary steps to get to the goal.

Some of us are given the opportunity to walk.

Some of us are made to crawl before we can walk.

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Sit down and write what you want to do with your life besides being with someone who is going to treat you with respect regardless of your job and what you do.


Focus career wise and take the necessary steps to get to the goal.

Some of us are given the opportunity to walk.

Some of us are made to crawl before we can walk.


What about being wiht someone who is going to treat me with respect regardless of my job? Im confused.

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I don't think there's anyone out there that doesn't want to be more successful, or have more money. It's all a trap perpetuated by our consumer society. If you can make ends meet, you're doing better than a lot of people out there.


What's stopping you from making more friends? They don't cost money.


I said all my life I'd never make it to 40, but here I am (for better or for worse). Just because you're 27 and don't feel like you're setting the world on fire doesn't make you a failure by any means. There's still plenty of time to change that, if you want. We all have our rough patches, it's how we get through them that defines us.

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What I mean by that is someone who wants you for you.

Not to look away due to a job which is not of the greatest bragging rights.


Women would very much prefer a man who has a job which is impressive.


As shallow as this sounds, that's the way it is.

Very seldom the other way around which in a way is a reason to get a better job, training for a career which is worth talking about when the time comes.

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Women would very much prefer a man who has a job which is impressive.


As shallow as this sounds, that's the way it is.

Very seldom the other way around which in a way is a reason to get a better job, training for a career which is worth talking about when the time comes.


Oh, well thats good to know. What am I suppose to do? What do you do?

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Im depressed and thinking of death. Im stuck in this apartment...got a 10.75 and hour a job and don't know what im gonna do. I wanna be more successful, have more money, get some more friends, etc. I'm 27 years old...should have done more by now. Never thought I would get this old though to be hoenst...never really thought about it or made plans for the future.


Hey, you got a job in this economy and it pays more than min wage. $10.75 isn't terrible. If it's full-time, that's $20,640. Huh...not that great. Well, depending on where you live at and roommates, you can def manage on it.


Point is, you got money and a roof over your head. It could be worse.

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Yeah, but I'll be stuck forever I guess. I don't even know how to go about getting a job that pays better. I only have a two year Associate of Arts degree.

That's more than a lot of people have. More than what I have. Experience pays . . . the longer you work, the more you'll make.

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Oh, well thats good to know. What am I suppose to do? What do you do?


I think you know already.


I'm involved with the IT industry.

In this country it's pretty well respected as it is a heavily agricultural Country.

If you know your stuff in the field I'm in it does get you places.

But still it was not easy.

The amount of "proving" I had to do felt like more than what other people had to based on the amount of qualifications they had over me.

Often felt like I was the one having to jump through the hoops while they were shown the way around.


To be honest with you I was a music teacher before I started my career so changing careers is still very much possible.

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I just want to find something else. Something that will keep me secure forever. No idea what to do and Im freakin out.

Those jobs are few and far between, especially nowadays. Downsizing, outsourcing, and now the generally crappy economy is changing all of that.


I remember when all of this first started, some 20 years ago. Several of my friends had parents who worked for a major aircraft manufacturer. Growing up, we figured they'd always have it made, as they'd been there for years. However, the cold war ended, and a lot of them wound up losing their jobs.


Same with my father, who worked for the same place for 35 years, until they folded.


Sometimes it's better to be mobile and flexible than planting roots and getting knocked over by the next storm.

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Well what am I gonna do? Im trying to go back to school for audio engineering but honestly I dont know if there will be a job waiting for me after that.

There certainly should be. Have you heard how poorly CDs are mastered these days?


If it's something you're passionate about, you'll be good at it, and if you're good at it, there are always opportunities.

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That's another thing you have to look at.

What your training will lead you to.

Whether the training has broad options or specialized to one specific area which is already over loaded with people.


On a side note I know someone who has become a self employed audio technician who remasters old obscure records for people and when he comes out with the goods he makes a mint.


This maybe an associated option after your training if you are certain you want to pursue audio engineering related careers.

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My boyfriend a musician who was thinking of audio engineering too but he came to the conclusion that with so many people having home studios nowadays that it was not a good field to hope for a job in these days. If I were you, I wouldn't spend money on getting another degree unless you did have confidence that it would improve your job prospects.

Do some research into what industries are doing well despite the recession and see if any of them are interesting to you. Since you've been working at a vet's office, maybe you should consider some of the health care jobs out there (most positions in human medicine pay better than the vet medicine counterparts do).


Finally, remember that the right person will not judge you for how much money you have. My boyfriend was making less money than you when I met him but I recognized that he was a good, intelligent person who had a lot to offer and we are extremely happy together (I make enough money for my own needs so I have never worried about finding a guy to make the money for me).

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There is always a need for audio engineers. Plenty of recording is done professionally. Most people with home studios are just noodling around on their own mediocre stuff. I know someone who worked in a club as a sound engineer, then worked for a professional audio engineer company, and now works for a major tv network... got trained to do other high level satellite stuff, etc. He had lots of audio engineer friends. They are all doing great financially. It's a wonderful field if you're into it. Working for the company before the tv network did involve long hours, heavy lifting, but they did all kinds of live situations from parties to corporate events to being hired as adjuncts by tv stations.... Good luck! If you have an interest, pursue it, go to clubs, talk to the sound guy... this person I know never actually got formal training... he learned everything he knew from others casually, starting out as a musician, then a guy partying in clubs getting to know the sound guys and management ... But formal training is a plus. Opportunities will always be there in this field... so many different areas need sound engineers!.... if you are committed to doing a good job and willing to work long hours when necessary. Even if you start small with a company that needs you, the day will come they won't have enough hands for a big gig and they'll take you along. It's a field you never stop learning in because the technological advancement is off the wall... start learning today.


By the way, we all have ups and downs... strength, for most people, is an accumulated quality that grows over time. Every time you get knocked down, try not to beat yourself up, keep moving as best you can... give yourself true rest sometimes...if you need to... recharge and keep going. good luck.

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