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To be honest life would be a lot easier if my ex had text messaging...

I'd have no problem sending a quick hi, how you doing...but no text messaging...Oh well haven't called her and probably won't...I don't care too much I guess...nothing will come of it anyways, so I'll wait until i move back...almost only one month left...


I have my sleep over with my sleep clinic tonight...Could be sleep apnea or narcolepsy...either way they'll figure it out tonight and get me treated and back to a normal life....

I've realized going through this sleep thing that most people have no idea how serious it is and what it's like to go through life the way I have been....

After talking to people who have been treated for this sort of thing...and going through the process...I STRONGLY recommend anyone who is tired all the time or falls asleep at bad times (i.e. meetings, class, ect.) to go to a sleep clinic and get it figured out...One guy I work with said his quality of life, his happiness, and his health has improved 100 times over since he's been treated for his sleep apnea, he actually lost about a 100 pounds he said just because his sleep was fixed...So I urge anyone on here with sleep disorders (think they may have one) to get it checked out...I'll tell you all tomorrow what the diagnosis is!

Have a great day all!

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well she rangm, I was quite drunk as I had just been offered a new job so was very happy. She heard about it and rang to congratulate me. on the phone for an hour having a really good chat and then a slight comment about her new bf sets me off on a sarcastic attack on his general being of a loser, she took offence, I took offence that she took offence and the conversation ended on a bit of a downer. Now I'm angry and frustrated when I should be in a complete state of glory after my success at work.



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Hey Determined...i was just about to PM you...weird!!!


Congrats on the job...


Don't worry too much about the conversation. I had numerous downer conversations with my ex, but i've tried to put all that behind me / us by being civil with her and trying to be friendly. I am trying to break back into the ranks of being friends at a distance. Whether it will work or not i don't know.


It is bad because i am still seeing the new girl, but seeing my ex last night (working at my local) just made me realise i still do have really strong feelings for her. The new girl is away for 2 weeks and said she didn't want to go 2 weeks without seeing me....but i am not that bothered about not seeing her for 2 weeks. it is not something that fills me with dread. Possibly because i had to go for 4-5 weeks without seeing my ex sometimes (LDR) so i am kinda used to it. but it casts doubts over my feelings for the new girl.


So confusing!!!

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Well I feel angry at myself for getting upset about it, angry at her for sticking up for loser boy and a little upset that a really good conversation was ruined by my sharp tongue.


But to be fair she should never have put that into the conversation, like handing me a loaded weapon

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