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Dealing with seeing my ex

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A little bit of background: My ex and I broke up about 2 months ago. For a couple of weeks after we tried to work things out and it obviously didn't work. After talking with him afterward he informed me that he didn't really want to keep seeing me but he did it because he felt bad. I was devastated and it really took a toll on me.


Back to now: I work at a bar, and tomorrow night we are showing the UFC event. while we were together I never worked these shifts because I was strictly monday-friday, so i'm sure he assumed I wouldn't be there. But now that i'm living on my own I need the money and pretty much work whenever I can. So his friend reserved a table for 9 people...I am 100% sure that my ex will be one of these people. After finding this out I texted him after 10 days NC and said "I see that Jeremy reserved a table for UFC, I am working so could you not be there please" he didn't respond. I am extremely worried that he will show up.


I was finally starting to accept the fact that we were over and was trying to move on with my life. But I feel like seeing him will undo all the work I have done in the last while. We are extremely busy on UFC nights and I don't want to be preoccupied worrying about him being there because then I won't do well at my job and will lose out on a lot of tips. If he does show up how should I deal with this? Ignoring him isn't an option because he is in my section, so I will have to have contact with him. I don't ever want to fall back in to that place I was last month. Help!!



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I plan on being nice and treating him as I would any other customer. But its really making me sick thinking about having to see him. I have really bad anxiety, and unfortunately the prozac isn't taking it away today lol. I was up til 5am worrying about it and my stomach is in knots. I just really don't want to lose all the progress I feel I have made. I have made new friends, gone on a couple dates (Which obviously didn't work cuz i'm still dealing with the break up, but the last guy I dated knows the situation and understands if I just want to be friends right now) i'm in a good place in my life right now, and I am so scared that this will put me back to square one.

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You know, it just might put you back at square one, but from what it sounds like, at least you know you're capable of taking the necessary steps to further yourself from this 'square one.' Or, on the flip side, it won't have any effect on your progress - which in turn will be progression in itself.

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This got a whole lot worse than it should have when you text him. He now knows you will be bothered by him being there. He may be scheming on how to make it just that much worse for you. Do you really have to wait their table, though? Is it possible you can switch with one of the other waiters/waitresses?

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He is a jerk, but I don't think he is manipulative enough to come just to make me miserable. I tried switching with the other girl working but shes got a bunch of tables already, and they're mostly her friends so she wants to serve them...But I am working on bribing her to take his table! lol

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