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Opinions needed please...


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I am a 20 year old woman who has just recently been made unemployed and am extremely poor. I met my BF online over half a year ago (I live in london he lives in sweden). I flew over as I've always been a traveller until now and my suspicions were correct; we quickly became a couple. We'd both had relationships before and the distance wasn't a problem - trust isn't a problem for us.

What is the problem is that I am depressed due to my financial situation and his family find it hard to believe that I am so poor (they are fairly well off and the country is more stable). Although he has offered to come over it wouldn't be right as I need to find a job and it would be his third time (trouble with family and its also not fair). We talk daily, play online games and watch films etc. However, I am increasingly bad tempered and seem to take it out on him, especially now as my lizard is dying and I am absolutely devastated and don't have the £700 the vets want. He just doesn't understand. I've never been one for being jealous about exes, but it just annoys me that in all his previous relationships they NEVER argued, and here I come along the british fiery girl and he finally text me saying "he feels under appreciated and my temper is too much."


Is that like a subliminal way of saying "i'm taking your bad moods and distance meaning that you don't like me so much and that I'm tired of your moods, I'd rather be single." I simply can't afford to go there. It looks like I'm not making an effort. I'm just crying every day about how my life is and am neglecting him. Since my last relationship my social life is: zero and family aren't very good at dealing with emotions. He is all I got but I don't want to be selfish and pull him down with me because it's rather obvious thats the direction I'll be heading for a long while. I love him, but ofc I'm not so naive to say "he's the one" but he's definitely a rare catch and I've never felt so free or loved before. He's my last shred of happiness and I just don't want to be responsible for making him miserable when he could be much much happier with someone who didn't have money issues, lived in the same country and could offer more as a result. I'm just so tired of my life, and sad as it sounds for me, love isn't enough. I need life too. And a hug - i haven't been touched in about two months (yet again, family isn't so social). Plz help me with your unbiased views!

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((((((hugs)))))). There is your online hug. Long distance relationships between countries are very hard to continue. It sounds like you have too much uncertainty going on in your life right now and you are not in a good place for a relationship. Perhaps now is the time to end this relationship and focus on yourself..getting a job and getting to a happier place in your mind.

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