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What to do?


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So, this girl (who I will call "R") and I share a strong mutual interest in each other. We used to have a class together, which was very discussion-based and being the opinionated person that I am, R got a moderately good sense of who I am. (Unfortunately, I can't really say I got to know as much about her lol.) After a fair amount of time past, I noticed R began to display some interest. I made sure to get over my shyness and put the effort forth toward the end of the course, so aside from the small talk, I eventually asked what R was up to over spring break, and she said she'd be in southern California, which then ended up in one of those good kinds of awkward silences and then a nervous mutual goodbye. So, R ran into me Monday this week and she asked for my number which I turned around and got hers somehow, so the ball is definitely in my court now. I have texted her since and haven't talked all that much, just maybe no more than ten texts about some semi-boring stuff yesterday. I'm not sure whether I should text her a bit more and then call her, or call her up tomorrow when she isn't stuck in class and ask if she'd like to hang out over the weekend if she has the time as we don't see each other that often.


The only concern I have is that we have hardly escaped small talk; I'm new to dating/relationships in general, and I suppose I'm just wondering if asking to hang out at this point is too strong too soon? Should I continue to text her and save asking if she wants to hang out for a bit later?



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I'm not sure whether I should text her a bit more and then call her, or call her up tomorrow when she isn't stuck in class and ask if she'd like to hang out over the weekend if she has the time as we don't see each other that often.


The only concern I have is that we have hardly escaped small talk; I'm new to dating/relationships in general, and I suppose I'm just wondering if asking to hang out at this point is too strong too soon? Should I continue to text her and save asking if she wants to hang out for a bit later?




She came and asked for your number, you ended up with hers. My interpretation of this is... ring me and ask me out. I have bolded the option you should take about too, which amounts to the same. You will get over the small talk once you hang out with her and get to know her more. do it do it do it.


At this point it is not 'to soon', there has been the whole of the class. Dude, if you take too much time, she is going to get over the moment and move on. So, do it, do it ASAP.

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Alright, thanks man. Well, I decided not to go via the route of calling her up, talking for a bit and then asking her out and instead chose to text her a bit more. It seems like she doesn't want to open up who she is as much over texting. When we're in person it's a hell of a lot different, so I guess you're right that I should just ask her out...what the hell. At this point, I think it'd be awkward for me to ask her out via calling. I was thinking about just asking her via text what she's up to this week and if she'd like to hang at some point. Am I on the right track here?


Oh, and because I'm new to this....any ideas on what to do? I don't know if she'd be as comfortable sitting around talking over coffee. We're both pretty nervous around each other.

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So, I'd asked her if she wanted to hang out last weekend and she said sure and when I'd asked about her availability she laid out her plans for the weekend and didn't mention another time. I then suggested next weekend as a possibility and she told me sure man.


I'm wondering whether I should wait for her to initiate a call/text, or if I should ask sometime in the next few days if she's still up for hanging out sometime over the weekend? Is it best to get this stuff figured out, say, at least two or three days beforehand? I don't want to call Friday to find out I should have planned earlier.

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