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If you were planning to live with a hostfamily what would you bring them?


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A few hours I got a letter of acceptance to a study abroad program and I've been thinking about giving my host family a small gift =) I live in NYC so there are many tourist shops here where I can buy them something, but does anybody have a more interresting idea? thanks


uh its in Germany

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Congratulations on the acceptane! I used to host students and although I didn't expect anything they usually would bring a small gift relating to their country. My student from Brazil brought me a book of photographs from Brazil and some soccer shirts from the Brazilian team for my kids, one from France brought me some Champagne because his family owned a vineyard. If the family has kids, some Yankees ball caps or something along those lines would be nice and there's got to be some great books about New York out there.

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Congratulations on the acceptane! I used to host students and although I didn't expect anything they usually would bring a small gift relating to their country. My student from Brazil brought me a book of photographs from Brazil and some soccer shirts from the Brazilian team for my kids, one from France brought me some Champagne because his family owned a vineyard. If the family has kids, some Yankees ball caps or something along those lines would be nice and there's got to be some great books about New York out there.


Great ideas here!

I think something typical of your home culture is always nice.

Small gifts for the children - NY sweatshirts are super popular abroad, yankees caps

Since there's no New York specialty that I can think of that would be lusted after abroad and would travel well, a book about New York sounds good. A bottle of good California wine might also be something interesting and different for them - I bring some back to my friends in France sometimes. If you know a great address for chocolates or other goodies that travel well, that would be great too.

Another thing that can be nice is to take the family out for dinner or for drinks/dessert while you are there, or to pop out after you arrive and buy a bouquet of flowers for the mother.

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Congratulations! And what a great way to start off on the right foot...


The coffee table book with lots of photos is a great idea

The wine is also nice. Ice wine is unique...

How about Christmas Tree ornament? (depending of course on their religion)

If you go "touristy" I recommend useful items such as tea towels with American images and stuff like that.

Definitely something small for the kids...depends on the ages. Even stars & stripes pencils/erasers etc...Notepads with funny American expressions...


And take a few keytags or other small tokens...you will meet people and wish you had a little something for them


Have a great adventure!

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