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Peeling After Sunburn

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I plan to tan extensively for the next couple weekends. Tanned last Saturday and have been peeling since Tuesday. I know I peeled like this because this is the 1st time in years that I get sun the way I did.


1. After I have peeled completely, is it safe to get the same amount of exposure to the sun? I am not prone to skin irritations and things of that nature, and I am aware of increasing cancer risk, but could I be risking something else if tanning too soon?


2. Will I peel EVERY single time I tan like this?

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I plan to tan extensively for the next couple weekends. Tanned last Saturday and have been peeling since Tuesday. I know I peeled like this because this is the 1st time in years that I get sun the way I did.


1. After I have peeled completely, is it safe to get the same amount of exposure to the sun? I am not prone to skin irritations and things of that nature, and I am aware of increasing cancer risk, but could I be risking something else if tanning too soon?


2. Will I peel EVERY single time I tan like this?


You're going to want to tan for less time than the time that made you peel.


What causes a tan is that the sun damages your skin cells. The skin produces the tint as a defense against the sun. So, paler people have less protection and will burn more easily. Once you are tanner, it is harder to burn.


But, peeling is really bad for you. You need to tone it down a bit if you want to prevent it from happening again.

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I had a pretty moronic move last summer when I went to Spain. The very first day, I was out in the sun for about three hours near the pool, and didn't put on any sun lotion thinking "eh, its only three hours". I ended up with my entire body burnt. Peeling on my head and body (baldie here), second degree burn on my shoulders. I blame my dutch skin for that one. I spent the entire ten days staying in and avoiding the sun, since I didn't want to make it worse. In other words....don't be a fool, be careful, don't spend too much time in the sun, and wear sun lotion.

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