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Does springtime make people more horny...


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or am I just that good looking? lol In the last week, I've received 3 messages over facebook. One from my ex girlfriend. I am bi and she and I were in a relationship for about 3 years. She's like "damn, you're still as beautiful as I remember. Are you single? If so, do you want to get together?"


Another from a guy that I went to high school with. He's like "here's my cell #, text me if you want and we can get together"


Another from a guy that I went to GRADE school with. This one sounds good, as I think he's a doctor!! He said "I cant believe I found you. Can you believe how long ago our grade school days were. I found (an old friend of ours) and some of the old crew. Would you be interested in getting together?"


Wow. They all can easily see that I have a 1 year old son and that I'm single. And the high school friend even knows about the drama with Landon's dad and he's still asking me out.


So, my question is this....does springtime bring out the "randiness" in people and make them more prone to asking others out?

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I've always met more girls, and gotten more attention in spring/summer, then any other time......I have no clue why either, I do tend to put more effort in to what I wear, and Im just in a better mood when its warm out...Soooo?? IDK!!

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i think cause people are locked up in their caves all winter so when spring and summer comes around,its like heaven start to see people again...its like ahhhh finally...



me...im tempted to just run down the street naked on the first nice day out

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I think so, at least for a lot of people feeling confined from winter and we get to really enjoy the outdoors and be active...probably psychological, social...or the Easter rabbits cast some weird spells on us.


I knew the Easter Bunny was a spell casting horndog!! No one believed me!!!

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it would of happened yesterday if i got laid off because i did say if i ever got laid off i would take of my clothes and run out naked...but they kept me..lmao..it would of been perfect it was like 90 yesterday



so probably this weekend if im bored...around noon..when alot of people are out..so be there =)

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This has ALWAYS been the case for me. During winter my sex drive takes a nosedive and I am more than happy with four times a week. in spring and summer, however, I just can't get enough, I get weirdly bisexual and it's all I can do not to be ruled by my penis.

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Well curiously, the birthrate is actually at its highest in spring and early summer in humans, which may be a nod in the direction of our animal origins though I haven't really given that much thought. If we reasonable assume that on accross a very large scale, birthrate will correlate with the amount of sex, then it follows that people actually have more sex in late summer and autumn. These were from UK birthrate figures 1980-2004 that I just analysed a second ago; it may of course be different elsewhere.

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Well curiously, the birthrate is actually at its highest in spring and early summer in humans, which may be a nod in the direction of our animal origins though I haven't really given that much thought. If we reasonable assume that on accross a very large scale, birthrate will correlate with the amount of sex, then it follows that people actually have more sex in late summer and autumn. These were from UK birthrate figures 1980-2004 that I just analysed a second ago; it may of course be different elsewhere.


Aint it always raining in the UK?.....lol.......some people actually have sunshine though (lol)

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Yes, i think they do... everyone gets a big zing from spring... extra sunlight, balmy air, beautiful weather... everyone feels UP, and when the confidence is running high, people are willing to take more risks.


And extra sun does stimulate the brain and hormones... witness all the people with seasonal depression when they get deprived of sun in winter, or in rainy climates.

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Talk about when it rains it pours! lol I would definitely go and make a date with all of them. You never know what could happen.


As for getting hornier, I would agree that I get more horny in the spring/summer months. The weather is just so mch nicer than winter. It gets spirits up. I tend to get off 2-3 times per day in summer, and 1-2 per day in the winter. (Sorry if that is tmi). Never had a partner in crime before, so I can comment on sex. lol


Good luck on your dates, and have fun!

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Hmmmm, I can't really say. Honestly, up here in the frozen tundra we are all closed up in our homes during the winter... and ALOT of nookie goes on since there is nothing else to do. We have a shet-ton of babies born in the late summer and fall from all the baby-making going on over the winter.

But there is definitely something about spring, all the animals coming out, trees budding, everything coming out of it's winter cocoon, it just smells of life.

Not to mention the clothes get alot smaller when the weather gets warmer... might that have something to do with it? hehe

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