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Definition of overweight and fat.

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You think? Well I heard that from men...that they like to be able to toss the girl around, a smaller skinny guy can't do that with a bigger or thicker(who has more muscles) girl. I'm not claiming that this is always the reason and that skinny guys can't be attracted to curvier/thicker women.


As a girl, very skinny guys are usually very unattractive to me and I think part of it might be due to the same reason, that I don't think they can handle me well.


I just think that if a guy needs to be bigger than his gf to feel manly, then he's not much of a man.

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If I went for a girl, I'd go for the one on the right. She looks... sexy. Lol, but if I could choose a body for myself, I'd like to be the one on the left. I used to be a size 0-2, but now I'm more of a 4-6 girl.



There's no need to sugar coat it. The girl on the right IS NOT a size 8. She's at least a 12. Doesn't take away from the fact that she's hot though.



FAT to me is someone like the one on the right, but with a big waist.

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  • 8 months later...

Bumping this up, because I know I'd seen this somewhere.....


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For the record, the girls are:


Size 8 Australian (Size 4 US) - left

Size 12 Australian (Size 8 US) - middle

Size 14 Australian (Size 10 US) - right

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Bumping this up, because I know I'd seen this somewhere.....


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For the record, the girls are:


Size 8 Australian (Size 4 US) - left

Size 12 Australian (Size 8 US) - middle

Size 14 Australian (Size 10 US) - right


That's interesting. I'm a size 10, but the woman in the picture has bigger legs than I do...


My boyfriend likes women that are curvy(like the woman on the right).


Personally I think the middle one looks the best, but I think the one on the right looks good as well. The one on the left is pretty thin--it's not a bad thing though.

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That picture is misleading because those women are all models. They have the right proportions and no rolls or "problem areas". They all basically have an identical shape.


If I could look like that at size 10, I'd jet outta here and hit up macdonalds as fast as I could.

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That picture is misleading because those women are all models. They have the right proportions and no rolls or "problem areas". They all basically have an identical shape.


If I could look like that at size 10, I'd jet outta here and hit up macdonalds as fast as I could.



Really? I'm a size 10 and my legs are smaller than that woman's. It could be because more of my weight is in my butt than legs, and I have a smaller waist than hers, idk. It looked like she was a 12 or 14, IMO. But to hear she is a 10 is interesting. It goes to show that two women can be the same exact same size and look and carry it differently.

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We carry our weight based on genetics, in one of the many ways(apple shapped, pear shaped, hour glass, etc). You typically carry your weight the same way that your mother does, so you can look at her to see what 'shape' she is and you'll most likely be the same. If I gained more weight, I'd probably look more like my mother, but as of now I'm pretty thin. The models shown typically are always hour glass shaped because that is what is seen as "attractive". Though in reality many women are pear shaped, carrying most of the weight in their lower half or cone shaped, which is the opposite, etc. Not everyone has the perfect body shape. I think I am more pear shaped, with a smaller top side and more of my weight in the lower half, with wider hips and a big butt.

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We carry our weight based on genetics, in one of the many ways(apple shapped, pear shaped, hour glass, etc). You typically carry your weight the same way that your mother does, so you can look at her to see what 'shape' she is and you'll most likely be the same. If I gained more weight, I'd probably look more like my mother, but as of now I'm pretty thin. The models shown typically are always hour glass shaped because that is what is seen as "attractive". Though in reality many women are pear shaped, carrying most of the weight in their lower half or cone shaped, which is the opposite, etc. Not everyone has the perfect body shape. I think I am more pear shaped, with a smaller top side and more of my weight in the lower half, with wider hips and a big butt.


Haha in my case, my mom does not have the same body type as me. She is very athletic and thin, and her hips are not as big as mine. She has always been tiny. I don't know whose body type I have, no one in my family has my body type.

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I find this site really interesting, it shows different women (normal types) at the same weight


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That link is dead.


I think it's very interesting and telling that a handful of woman openly admit that they'd rather be thin than attractive. I understand preferring thin over health, but this way is just bizarre.

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I think overweight just applies to someone who's over their normal, healthy weight. For example, I'm 215, and my ideal weight is 185...so I'm about 25 or 30 pounds overweight.


However, fat can have many different connotations. It can mean someone who's slightly overweight, who's chubby, and someone who is morbidly obese.


I personally prefer using the neutral 'overweight' term, rather than the inflammatory 'fat' term.

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LOL. This should be entertaining for some of you. When I wore a size 10, I looked somewhere between the girl on the left (on top) and the girl in the middle (on the bottom). I now look like the girl on the right, complete with nipped-in waist, and am a size 18.


I looked deathly sick at a size 10, and BMI always told me I was overweight or obese. I don't trust that measure at all. I'm 5'9, have a bigger frame, a pear shape, and gain muscles with even a little bit of exercise.


I think all of the girls are beautiful (of course, they're models!), but if I were to choose for myself, I would choose between the middle and the right-hand girls. I don't enjoy seeing my ribs through my clothing.

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Overweight to me is someone with excessive body fat % for their gender or over their Body Mass Index.


Yes "excessive". And like Ghost said awhile back BMI is crap. I'm overweight according to the BMI chart. A co-worker who's a lifter is 'morbidly obese' last time we had a company medical exam. It was quite hilarious.


Personally I prefer the two women on the right, not that one the left isn't good looking or anything. It's when people really let themselves go guess I worry more of their health sake than seeing them as "OMG he/she is fat".

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LOL. This should be entertaining for some of you. When I wore a size 10, I looked somewhere between the girl on the left (on top) and the girl in the middle (on the bottom). I now look like the girl on the right, complete with nipped-in waist, and am a size 18.


I looked deathly sick at a size 10, and BMI always told me I was overweight or obese. I don't trust that measure at all. I'm 5'9, have a bigger frame, a pear shape, and gain muscles with even a little bit of exercise.


I think all of the girls are beautiful (of course, they're models!), but if I were to choose for myself, I would choose between the middle and the right-hand girls. I don't enjoy seeing my ribs through my clothing.


I can relate to this and I think a lot of women can. I'm a size 8 yet get mistaken for a 2 or 4 often. I've asked guy friends 'okay, how much do you think I weigh?' to prove the point that they don't understand women's weight.. They typically guess 110 or 115.... Yeah, little higher than that... I've had tiny girlfriends offer to lend me clothing who will not believe I'm a size 8. They aren't trying to entertain me eiher, I can tell the difference.


Back when I was a size 4, I was gaunt. 115 pounds and my hips were plunging out from my body. All of my ribs shown as did the lower back bone. I have an hour glass or pear shape. I've always worn small or average sized tops but have very thick thighs (even when I was a size 4, my Jean size was restricted by my thighs) and full hips. I get compliments on my hips too.


Because of my body type and the fact that I have a small waist, I still look tiny with my curvy figure. Size 2 or 4 isn't realistic or a safe weigt for me. But I've heard guys talk about 125 lbs beinG their ceiling in a potential gf's weight. It's laughable really.

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I feel like as long as the woman is healthy and not eating horribly or starving herself, then it's fine. I look more like the girl on the left and have always been on the skinny side. I am very active, so it keeps my metabolism high and it can be hard to put on weight, which I have tried to do unsuccessfully. I'm a size 4 usually, but if the jeans/pants are stretchy can be a size 2 because they can then get over my wide hips. I like to eat, but with a higher metabolism I can without gaining a whole lot of weight. It's sad to see women starve themselves to try to get down to size 2 or 4. I have a friend who has been anorexic since high school and still is. She now has a number of digestive disorders because of it, too. The pressure women have to look a certain way is horrible. It'd be better if we could all just accept our own body shape and try to live healthily.

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Be healthy, that's all I can say. Some women truly are naturally curvy and I see all three of those women as healthy...though the one on the left is a little too slender for her frame. I was bulimic from the age of 12 (I'm now 22) and I have been in recovery for a year. I still relapse and it has cost me many years of health and happiness, and even now I struggle. I have good days and bad days...today is a good day and I like my body but tomorrow I might think I look obese. I always obsessed with being skinny, but the truth is my frame is not meant for "skinny.". I am curvy but NOT fat. I have no idea what I weigh because I do not allow myself to weigh in (I'm sure I would relapse) but I know I am healthy. I can live life now...though I still have a lot of recovering to do and there have been health problems I developed from bulimia that will last forever. Just love yourself, be happy and realize that we are not all meant to be the same shape.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think what's considered fat or overweight differs in different countries. In US, sizes 8 10 are normal/average sizes, but in other parts of the world they could be considered chubby. A US small sized dress is equivalent to medium or large in European sizes. I think most people know themselves what their healthy weight is and they should try to reach that weight or keep themselves that way.


I'm a size 6/8 US. I know I should be slimmer although I might not look too bad to other people. However, as much as I admire thin girls, I know I can never be model like thin, so I don't even try to go there.

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I consider the one on the far right to be fat, overweight, and unattractive. The middle one I consider to be a "normal" size, and I would go for the one on the far left the most.

Omg im like the one in the middle and i feel fat..... society has gotten me crazy to be stick thin like the girl on the left...

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