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Definition of overweight and fat.

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to me fat is a huge person,


overweight i think medically is defined as a person who weighs more than the average person with the same height and age.


at least thats what i think, so you can be over weight with out really being that fat.



but who gives a f***, if you can be happy with who you are then who cares,

as long as your own health isn't at risk and you aren't one of those people that don't even try to do anything about it, then why care?


like considering an illness!...

i think thats bulls***. they have the answer to the problem in their hand. (the food they grab)

i hate obese people who get to park in the handy cap section!

i think every parking lot should have a fat people section way way way in the back so they have to walk!


and i think the same about fat people using scotters!




lol =P

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I think that's ridiculous. -.-


You think? Well I heard that from men...that they like to be able to toss the girl around, a smaller skinny guy can't do that with a bigger or thicker(who has more muscles) girl. I'm not claiming that this is always the reason and that skinny guys can't be attracted to curvier/thicker women.


As a girl, very skinny guys are usually very unattractive to me and I think part of it might be due to the same reason, that I don't think they can handle me well.

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I know several very fit muscular guys whose BMI says they are obese. BMI means nothing to me.



I think that's essentially what it is. Skinnier guys are not comfortable with somewhat bigger girls, since they don't feel as manly and dominant.


bunch of crap...my dad is very healthy and has been lifting and working out for 15 years now...he is a monster...and he is 5'9 and weighs about 205..BMI says he should weigh about 165 or something lol.....screw that


also like running backs for the nfl, they are like 511 area and majority weigh about 230 or so area...

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i dont hate on anyone to tell you the truth but i do have limits too...i think we throw the fat word around too much...overweight can used but when i think of fat i think of someone like on the jerry springer show who just doesnt take care of themselves,eats alot and lazy. not medical conditions, but just plain lazy and doesnt care...

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People can be fat but can carry it very well with the fat distribution being even throughout the body.


And the picture above, the woman on the far right looks more curvy, I wouldn't consider as fat. The one on the left I would consider thin but it depends on the woman and their natural genetic figure. Some could look thin in an unhealthy way (for obvious looks like bones sticking out) or just thin but healthy looking skin and muscle tone. Personally I like a woman between the middle and right...


I agree, BMI doesn't mean anything especially for guys that workout with more muscle mass than an average Joe who doesn't.

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What do people mean when they say someone is overweight or fat? Do you judge it based on their weight or how they look? How much fat is acceptable to you? you can post pictures of your limits if you want.


Overweight....is someone with too-high of a BMI (high-overweight-obese range). Fat to me is someone with a lot of rolls.

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I think that's essentially what it is. Skinnier guys are not comfortable with somewhat bigger girls, since they don't feel as manly and dominant.


I'm skinny and I just think larger women are more cuddly heh. I'm not all that hung up on being "manly" and I think dominance is much more than simply having physical power over someone.


Overweight is a neutral clinical term to me; your excess weight is sufficient to impede your health. Fat is a relative term and pretty useless to me, I have no definition for it because physical attractiveness is not something I judge on a conscious logical level.

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I'm skinny and I just think larger women are more cuddly heh. I'm not all that hung up on being "manly" and I think dominance is much more than simply having physical power over someone.


Overweight is a neutral clinical term to me; your excess weight is sufficient to impede your health. Fat is a relative term and pretty useless to me, I have no definition for it because physical attractiveness is not something I judge on a conscious logical level.


I think the rule applies to women too. Women typically want to be skinnier than their partners. Of course people can no care and date someone regardless of the comparison, because such rules are bound by insecurity.

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kankles??? It looks like that she just has her leg turned. Hope you aren't serious...


I bet y'all be surprised when you find out the "big girl" is no larger than a size 8. Even funnier if she was a 6.


i am actually serious. her ankle is huge.


the big girl is a size 8? doesn't matter to me, she's still too big for me. very pretty though.




to all of the other posters trying to define 'fat' 'obese' and 'overweight' saying it's this and that...it really is all subjective. my idea of fat might be someone else's skinny.

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well, that was my intention. To see what overweight or fat is in people's minds. obviously their opinion is not necessarily valid to me, especially since I think it comes more from an aesthethic perspective than health perspective. In fact, very skinny women look better than obese women, but are actually prone to more health risks than them!


I don't really find the skinny look on women attractive, honestly. It really depends on a woman's frame - a tiny little ectomorph with a bunch of extra pounds, well yeah, she probably would look better thin.

But a woman built to have a larger frame, can look down right sick when thin. I think I look better on the heavier side of healthy for my size - otherwise, I look all unbalanced with a top heavy and sticky looking on the bottom. Extra pounds help round out my ass. lol.

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The whole BMI scale is wrong. According to it, I am overweight and I am not, just very muscular. I am a mesmorph and when I workout heavily I build muscles. Because of that some guys think I am "fat" when I am not. That's why it's all subjective. The guy I currently like is 5'9 and 200 pounds, and yes chubby but not fat (he was 160 when I met him). As we get older,we get heavier.


Having said that, there is a difference between obese and overweight. Someone who waddles when they walk or have the room shake (yes, I've seen this happen) are definitely obese.

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I think this thread will be closed soon, but I'll put my 2 cents in:


While I think the girl on the right is very pretty, there is no way in the world she's a size 8. I think the girl in the middle is the most attractive, but if I had to pick a body for myself I'd pick the girl on the left.


I think if a woman is comfortable in her body, works to keep healthy, and loves the way she looks, then she will have a confidence about her. And that is beautiful no matter if she's on the thinner side or the plumper side.

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bmi is a joke, but for the most part, it is a predictor. it says i'm in danger of dying basically. i'm like 30% solid fat according to my weight and height on it.


bmi = mostly and average that can cover most people.

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I think this thread will be closed soon, but I'll put my 2 cents in:


While I think the girl on the right is very pretty, there is no way in the world she's a size 8. I think the girl in the middle is the most attractive, but if I had to pick a body for myself I'd pick the girl on the left.


I think if a woman is comfortable in her body, works to keep healthy, and loves the way she looks, then she will have a confidence about her. And that is beautiful no matter if she's on the thinner side or the plumper side.


I agree with this. I think it's good to accept that you can't always please everybody and there are guys out there for every body type.

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IMO fat and overweight are the same term, one just sounds a bit more sensitive. To say to someone 'you are a little overweight' vs 'you're getting fat' ...well the first just sounds a little more sensitive and respectful


But I've always viewed the terms as the same.


The girl on the right does look a bit overweight.... But she isn't unattractive though just because...

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I think that's essentially what it is. Skinnier guys are not comfortable with somewhat bigger girls, since they don't feel as manly and dominant.


Hmmm, Im not so sure about that. I have seen I can't tell you how many skinny men with very large wives.

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While I think the girl on the right is very pretty, there is no way in the world she's a size 8. I think the girl in the middle is the most attractive, but if I had to pick a body for myself I'd pick the girl on the left.



I agree, no way is she a size 8. Unless she is 4'10. If she is about 5'4 to 5'6 she wears about a size 14.


She is a bit plump and while she still looks good, she is young, and once her metabolism starts to dive around 28-30 years old this body type is the type in danger of middle aged obesity if they don't work out and watch their calorie intake.


I've known a lot of women who look like that at 22 and 23, by the time they reach 30 their weight is getting really out of control.

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maybe they got larger after getting married? lol



No, most I knew when they got married. I know a lot of very skinny men who say they just prefer larger women. Know a lot of great big guys who like 'em tiny. And then there are the guys who like em pretty much any size if they are pretty. lol

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No, most I knew when they got married. I know a lot of very skinny men who say they just prefer larger women. Know a lot of great big guys who like 'em tiny. And then there are the guys who like em pretty much any size if they are pretty. lol


interesting, I don't think I know any thin man that likes larger women and most of the guys I know are on the thinner side and almost all of them like thinner women, not super skinny or anything but more like the girl in the middle or something in between the girl on the middle and the girl on right.

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I agree, no way is she a size 8. Unless she is 4'10. If she is about 5'4 to 5'6 she wears about a size 14.


She is a bit plump and while she still looks good, she is young, and once her metabolism starts to dive around 28-30 years old this body type is the type in danger of middle aged obesity if they don't work out and watch their calorie intake.


I've known a lot of women who look like that at 22 and 23, by the time they reach 30 their weight is getting really out of control.


I agree with this. First of all , that woman is not a size 8. 14 sounds about right. She looks dang good. But, she's no size 8.


But, I agree that if you're a bit larger when you're at peak health, that it'll go downhill pretty fast if you don't start changing your lifestyle to stay at that weight.

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