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I've heard and believe that unfortunately girls like games. From what I understand the more you show them you are interested in them the less they will like you. That is of course unless you are Brad Pitt or something similar.


Obviously this has to end some time, I think. At what point can you drop the act? Do you do it after they start showing great interest in you? Or do you just semi drop it enough to ask them out? Obviously this isn't going to work for every girl out there but for those it does what do you say?

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I've heard and believe that unfortunately girls like games. From what I understand the more you show them you are interested in them the less they will like you. That is of course unless you are Brad Pitt or something similar.


Obviously this has to end some time, I think. At what point can you drop the act? Do you do it after they start showing great interest in you? Or do you just semi drop it enough to ask them out? Obviously this isn't going to work for every girl out there but for those it does what do you say?



It's in your question. Girls like games. Girls love drama, especially those that say they don't. You have to find a woman, not a girl. Women still love drama, but not nearly as much as girls.

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I think it's possible that girls like the guy that they think (truly or not ) is out of their league but ends up giving them attention and love. This might be true of guys too. If you do this cycle of treating them like krap to keep their attraction i would assume it wouldnt make for a very pleasant or stable relationship (but maybe someone with experience in this can tell me differently ). Maybe if there is such a thing as being 'in love' (however we define it) it makes us think that the person involved is superior to us but still loves us anyway when in actuality it's just a good match.

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Someone once told me that it's like dangling a string in front of a cat - they're nuts about it, but once you drop it in front of them, they walk away. I think once they reach the age of reason they finally drop that crap.

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It's in your question. Girls like games. Girls love drama, especially those that say they don't. You have to find a woman, not a girl. Women still love drama, but not nearly as much as girls.


Amen. My ex said she that she hated drama, but for some reason it followed closely behind her.

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Generalizations. Generalizations.


I don't play games. I can say that for many women of whom I know personally.



You have no idea how many times I've heard that. I truly believe that it's not intentional, but gossiping and knowing details about everyone's personal lives leads to drama. Women love to gossip.

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Not all women are like that. Try not to get yourself caught up in generalizing them as all being the same. Reason being, you'll never find anyone that way because in your eyes all women will be the same. Some just enjoy the ride and the thrill; the adrenaline and unpredictability that comes along with playing the game. Myself, I've never really gotten in too deep with that so for someone like me, that wouldn't be my taste.


Long story short, if you don't like the game or the rules then don't play.

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You have no idea how many times I've heard that. I truly believe that it's not intentional, but gossiping and knowing details about everyone's personal lives leads to drama. Women love to gossip.


While I admit I do enjoy gossip, my biggest gossiping partner is a man. And, no, I do not like drama. Do not tell me what I'm like. I may have a vagina but I am also an individual.

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I've heard and believe that unfortunately girls like games. From what I understand the more you show them you are interested in them the less they will like you. That is of course unless you are Brad Pitt or something similar.


Obviously this has to end some time, I think. At what point can you drop the act? Do you do it after they start showing great interest in you? Or do you just semi drop it enough to ask them out? Obviously this isn't going to work for every girl out there but for those it does what do you say?


Some girls like games... some don't. Some boys like games... some don't. Same with men & women.


As far as showing them your interest... most people will respond normally if someone indicates a healthy level of interest. However, if you're the type of person (and I'm not trying to say you are) who calls 85 times a day, drops what they're doing to do what she asks, plys her with compliments ect.. that is a little bit of a turn off.


Personally, when I meet a guy, I just wanna know he has a little more going on in his life than pining away for me.

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While I admit I do enjoy gossip, my biggest gossiping partner is a man. And, no, I do not like drama. Do not tell me what I'm like. I may have a vagina but I am also an individual.


But you have to admit that alot of girls do enjoy it, even though they say they don't. But not all like it.

Just as a lot of guys are a-holes, but not all.

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I think that you have to decide on the course of action that youre going to take. Basically, are you going to play games or not? This of course will depend on your own personal beliefs as far as the way you want to attract women, for example, some men like to chase women and some dont.

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Another stereotype that I believe in right now is that men think more logically than women.... I know this is a generalization, because I know some women that do think logically, but it almost seems like most don't at times. Oh well, I guess I just need to get away from the crazy ones.

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I do believe there is naturally a bit of a "game" when it comes to love, but only in so far as you don't show all your cards at once by telling a new potential partner exactly what you're thinking about them. The game is Holding Back which is different from Acting Disinterested to Become More Desireable! And both the man and the woman should be playing the Holding Back game to some extent in the beginning of the relationship. For instance, I don't want someone to be in love with me and show it after one week. That drives me away because I'm still making up my own mind about how *I* feel so it's too much pressure. Plus I think there's something wrong when someone is too crazy about me after knowing me for such a short while, no matter HOW awesome I am! This is where a little bit of holding back on the guy's part would come in handy. Similarly, I wouldn't tell a guy on the second date that I had already fantasized about our wedding day. Showing too much interest can definitely be detrimental in that way because it indicates that the other person is hasty and desperate.


To answer your question, I would say don't approach ANY girl with the mindset of trying to play some game, even if you're just playing because you assume SHE is. Approach a girl and show genuine interest. Smile, make her feel good about herself, ask her out on dates, and try to get to know her, but don't overdo the attention by being needy or taking things too fast.

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