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I'm thinking way ahead, but I'm worried because my ex wrote me on Easter and we've kept writing each other on FB since, but just real small talk. I gave her my new cell # and we may go out for lunch or something before May 1st, which is when she's moving 3 hours away for 6 months for a grad school internship. We broke up in early December.


I've been talking to a new girl for a few weeks now but I've been hesitant to make it official, even before my ex popped up. I have no idea if my ex has any interest in dating again or if I would get back with her if so. We didn't have a bad relationship or a bad break-up, just had a lot of miscommunication and stubbornness by both of us. As for this new girl, I just don't feel too "giddy" about her, and I always feel excited when I start dating a girl I like but it just hasn't felt that way with her. I'm willing to keep getting to know this girl, but if my ex brings up us trying to work things out, I don't want to be a jerk and hurt this girl. I guess it's the fact that I'm even thinking about this that makes me want to pull back from the new girl...or do I just take the risk and go for it? If you had an ex that you love and didn't have a bad break up/relationship with them, what would you do?

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This is a tough one because it feels like you would go back to your ex and if that is so, than why are you even wasting time with this new girl? You obviously still love your ex and this girl is merely just a rebound. I realize you're saying you don't want to hurt her, but in essence you are hurting her by not being true to you feelings.

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Yes, since I'm even thinking about my ex like this it's made me take a step back. There's really no indication me and my ex would get back together tho. We haven't set a date to go out for lunch so it may or may not happen. I just put the ball in her court and told her to call me before she moves if she wants to get together for lunch, and she said "sounds good


When my ex was totally out of the picture, I felt fine dating and did plenty of it. For almost a month I've been dating this girl pretty exclusively and have gone out with an older ex. I told them what I was doing so it's not like I was trying to be a player. But like i said, something's missing and I can't figure it out. I'm not thinking that me and my ex would try to work it out so I'm just trying to see if there's a future with this new girl.

There are a few things about her that I'm not sure I can get past, but I don't know if I should write about them.

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