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Car Chick

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My hubby and I literally had nothing when we married. We had love, a pot-luck dinner and a JP. I wouldn't go back and change it for the world.


Nothing should stop true love. We are happier now than ever with an amazingly beautiful princess as our daughter. We still don't have much, but I'll be damned if I care.


Thank you. That was a truly beautiful post. I'll talk to him about that. As I said earlier, I do want to finish college first, but I think we need to talk about what our plans are as to when marriage will happen and just how financially set he thinks we should be first. I will remind him of what you said, that money shouldn't get in the way of true love.


I guess a lot of my frustration is just in not knowing what our exact plans our. I want to know every detail of my future and in life that just doesn't always happen. In fact, most of the time it doesn't. I really want to know a time frame and it's frustrating that neither one of us really seems to know what that time frame is.

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