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I feel ready to venture out again

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It's been 9 months since the breakup, some lame reconciliation attempts and the longest time of NC was 9 weeks. My ex wants us to be friends and who knows it might happen with time. Not yet though..I'm not completely over it.


I think I have experienced every feeling possible. From the deepest love to absolute hate. I have had my grandiose delusions that he will understand how unique I was and he will come and tell me that life is not worth living without me. The breakup was just a part of a major life transition that I embarked on by my own choice. My life was flat, not unhappy, and I decided to bring everything upside down.


I realised yesterday how many things I've done, how much I've learned. I feel freer in a way, I have accepted myself more. I don't feel that close emotional dependency I used to feel with family, friends, partners.


After this sad and introverted journey I'm now starting to feel a little ready for love again. How great is that? I fought for this..my natural feelings have been disillusion, lack of trust, crashed spirit, fear..and in that time I was telling myself "NO Quirky, you won't become like that, not you".


I'm happy enough to be single but I think I can now welcome a nice man in my life. My ex was the only guy I dated that I felt I couldn't fully trust. So in my case, he WAS the exception, everyone else had been reliable and loving.


What is even more great is that I haven't got a list. I'm ready to be surprised That freedom I now feel can also possibly filter into a career move, or a move abroad. I don't know in what area it will be..but I feel more at ease to take a risk again.


Just wanted to share the progress

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Hey girl. Good for you!


My friend and hairdresser just recommended a book to me called "The Surrendered Single" she read it and started dating and was married within the year. She is so happy, she radiates.


I guess that is the next book on my list!

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Terrific post. Sounds like you've grown a lot with you experiences and you've come through it a stronger person, your in a good place to start a new chapter in your life.

Its encouraging to read positive posts, shows theres light at the end of a long and very dark tunnel.

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yeyyy, thank you for your comments


My friend and hairdresser just recommended a book to me called "The Surrendered Single" she read it and started dating and was married within the year. She is so happy, she radiates.


I'll have a look at it. No online dating really where I live, plus I become paranoid reading all that stuff. I have supressed desires and was scared all this time that now I wanna just be myself. But I'm open to any suggestions as I haven't actually ever dated.

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Great post QG! Very happy to hear of this development. I think you are right that it is best to be surprised, no lists, no expectations (well not too much), just be free, play things by ear. Will happen. You have a lot going for you.


What a journey though huh..

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Very interesting posting, quirky (by any chance did you take your handle fromlink removed?)


I'm skeptical of books which are about sure-fire methods for attracting a spouse. They seem to appeal to desperation, and desperation to me is a giant red flag that other things in one's life probably need attention. Having said that, I wish you luck in your search for new friends and/or a partner.

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yeyyy, thank you for your comments




I'll have a look at it. No online dating really where I live, plus I become paranoid reading all that stuff. I have supressed desires and was scared all this time that now I wanna just be myself. But I'm open to any suggestions as I haven't actually ever dated.


Like with any book or advise, you take what you want and toss the rest.


I am in a similar sitution with dating because I have been out of the loop so to speak for many, many years. Just busy. And my last BF was someone that I met at work so it was different. We started off as friends. So I'm relearning and learning more.


One thing that my friend mentioned that was in the book was to toss aside your preconcieved notions and methods when it came to dating because face it, if you were so right about it all in the first place, if you were doing it all right, would you even be where you are now, single and alone?

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Congrats. If you have the means to move abroad, then by all means do it.


The move would be back to same country/city as my ex. I have avoided it because of the breakup. If nothing else I wanna visit, haven't been there in a year and it was my home for 9 years. It was difficult to stay away..I wanna go there even for a couple of weeks, I think it will be another step to my healing.

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Very interesting posting, quirky (by any chance did you take your handle fromlink removed?)


I'm skeptical of books which are about sure-fire methods for attracting a spouse. They seem to appeal to desperation, and desperation to me is a giant red flag that other things in one's life probably need attention. Having said that, I wish you luck in your search for new friends and/or a partner.



I very recently discovered the book, it speaks to me in many ways


I am sceptical of these books as well..nevertheless some tips I have obtained seem to work. I never knew the concept of taking my time.

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Terrific post. Sounds like you've grown a lot with you experiences and you've come through it a stronger person, your in a good place to start a new chapter in your life.

Its encouraging to read positive posts, shows theres light at the end of a long and very dark tunnel.


What a journey though huh..


Say that again..I'm not exagerating, I really thought this is the end. From the early days of not eating, no sleeping and crying at least 5 hours a day to my next ultimate low 6 weeks ago where I felt I had no reason to live. I've never faced anything harder.


I could write pages and pages of the conclusions I've come to of my behaviour in life, career, relationships. So many unresolved issues and many fears on an emotional level..but I did choose to look at them in the eye and face the monster. And no matter how difficult it's been I'd do it again. It's been like a process of clearing. Of course there's still stuff that is challenging but I've actually realised I can't "fix" everything. What sets me free is to live in the present and understand that there are no guarantees in life, that relaxes me somehow. I could never do that in the past.

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