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i want to just die right now

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My ex of 4 years just texted me saying he is fully together with an 18 year old girl (he is 21) and that he is way happier with her than me and to f*** off. I literally collapsed on the floor. I have no one right now. Please help me. I just deleted him off facebook and changed my phone number. He even said he still wants me in his life. I am furious and so heart broken i cant cope.

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i'm so sorry - that is such a rude and immature thing for him to do, and i know it hurts like hell! you did the right thing by deleting him and changing your number, that is so awesome and hard to do, so be proud of yourself for that.


he wants you in his life so he can have his cake and eat it too - believe me, i've been there - and it doesn't work that way! it doesn't seem to me like he's that happy if he felt the need to tell you that and to f*** off. that's just rude and insensitive...although i don't know the circumstances of your breakup, i'm sorry that you are going through this. just know other people are with you and you can make it through.

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Hope u are ok, look after u more than anything. If u show that ur upset he will relish the fact and play u like a game. People who cheat are not worth it. Honesty always prevails.


I'm struggling with a 4 year break up too, it will be hard but the main person u need to focus on is u.



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What a disgusting * * * * * * * .


You did the right thing by getting him off your FB and changing your number. Don't give it to him under any circumstances. You already made the first move which is the hardest, so now it's time to go NC (no contact). You can do it!


I'm so sorry this happened to you. What a jerk! We are here for you though, if that helps.

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Hi ehart...I'm so sorry he said those mean and hurtful things to you. What an immature jerk! Please don't take anything he says to heart...for some reason he is just trying to get to you and be nasty. Don't let him. Hold your head high and keep telling yourself you are better than that. Good for you to delete him off FB and changing your number. Don't even dignify what he said with a response. Show him you are a bigger person than he is. He is showing his true colors and luckily, you don't have to deal with him any longer.




Take care and God Bless...

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I'm so sorry you went through this. I just recently had the love of my life cheat on me and leave me...I couldn't cope either. After lots of vodka and a halfassed suicide attempt I'm still in a lot of pain but slowly I'm able to go to work and live a life. I really hope you make it through this, the worst truly is behind you, it may be a slow recovery.

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My ex of 4 years just texted me saying he is fully together with an 18 year old girl (he is 21) and that he is way happier with her than me and to f*** off. I literally collapsed on the floor. I have no one right now. Please help me. I just deleted him off facebook and changed my phone number. He even said he still wants me in his life. I am furious and so heart broken i cant cope.


You can cope. Never tell yourself that you can't because you are indeed setting yourself up for failure.


I know it hurts when you feel love and other emotions and are intangled in those but your ex did you a big favor. He showed you his true colors, if he hasn't before.


You did all the right things now pick yourself up off the floor and enpower yourself. You are meant for bigger and better things.

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Thank you every one for your support. I truly thought he loved me. We were together for so long. I did so much for him and I have never felt this much pain in my life. I dont know how to cope. We are both from a small town but at the moment finishing university here at a bigger city. The girl he is seeing lives in our home town and he may move back there for her and im so scared to go back home in the summer i know for a fact i will see them everywhere its so small. Im so scared with this pain im going through. I am proud of myself for the number change and FB. At least that is done

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