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Is Sorry good enough?


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What if one person thinks it is and the other does not? The one who does not has communicated this and the other does not care to make more of an effort?


I think the one that does think it's enough should make an effort to prove they are sorry. Some times words arnt enough.

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I think the one that does think it's enough should make an effort to prove they are sorry. Some times words arnt enough.


I am meaning the person who does not feel that just words are enough is the person who was wronged. The other person feels words are good for any situation from just ate the last candy bar to ran over your first born.

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Victoria, that's a pretty wide brushstroke there, and really difficult to answer...


It could be that 'sorry' seems insufficient because it seems insincere.


It could be that 'sorry' isn't good enough, because the other person could do something else to rectify the situation, but chooses not to.


It could be that 'sorry' isn't good enough because the offended person is more sensitive than the offender. This is a personality conflict in which neither person is fully to blame...


It could be that 'sorry' isn't good enough because the offended party likes to stir up drama and is expecting some butt-kissing that is disproportionate to the offence...


and a thousand points in between.....


Really no blanket one-size fits all here....

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Well it is definitely an offense that warrents more than a simple " I am sorry", unfortunately the other party does not think so.


Okay, so what exactly do you want from them?


Do you want them to experience feelings of regret and remorse?


Do you want them to do something nice for you so you feel it balances out the negative they did for you?


Is there a way for them to change what they did so it's as if it didn't happen?


What exactly are you looking for here so things are alright again?

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No, saying sorry is not enough to forgive. You actually have to have regrets.


"Sorry" is just a word. Without actually feeling behind it, it means nothing.


That is what I am saying,yes. To me this other person said sorry just to get their backside out of touble not because they acutally mean it.

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or maybe thats just you imagining it. did the person tell you that they dont mean it? or did they try to tell you that they did mean it, but you just dont believe it?

and if its something that cannot be fixed, then sorry is usually all they can do about it. and if they're decent, they will try their best not to repeat the mistake again.

again... it all depends on what it is, how seriously you're taking it and how unimportant the other person considers it to be... compromising is the solution here. maybe you should let it go or communicate what you want the other person to do. you cant just say "sorry isnt enough", sometimes you need to tell them what exactly to do to prove to you that they're sincere about it.

yeah life is tough, if things dont go your way.

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if you feel that when the other person says sorry and it's not heart felt then maybe it's time to rethink the relationship. Doesn't matter if friend or SO. When sorry no longer cuts it then there is normally a deeper issue.

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That is what I am saying,yes. To me this other person said sorry just to get their backside out of touble not because they acutally mean it.


If you feel that way, it's probably true. Are they making an effort to make it right? Are they angry that you aren't taking their apology? What are their actions saying?

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If you feel that way, it's probably true. Are they making an effort to make it right? Are they angry that you aren't taking their apology? What are their actions saying?


Their actions and words are like it is another day like any other and life goes on and I should accept sorry and like it.

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Oh I know it means very little cause they will do it again and they will say sorry then again too. It means very little to them to say a word.


So you're looking for remorse and the behavior to stop, and you know the apology doesn't matter because you're just waiting for them to hurt you again.


No wonder you're irritated over it. It's not about the apology, it's about the recurring behavior and the casual dismissal of the hurt it's causing you.

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An apology and explanation would be enough if they don't treat you badly again. If they do it again, sorry means nothing. It means "thank you for letting me hurt you again".


Yeah, that it pretty much it.........I will say sorry today and if you are dumb enough to fall for it then I can do it again tomorrow.

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So you're looking for remorse and the behavior to stop, and you know the apology doesn't matter because you're just waiting for them to hurt you again.


No wonder you're irritated over it. It's not about the apology, it's about the recurring behavior and the casual dismissal of the hurt it's causing you.


Yes, that is it exactly.

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if you feel that when the other person says sorry and it's not heart felt then maybe it's time to rethink the relationship. Doesn't matter if friend or SO. When sorry no longer cuts it then there is normally a deeper issue.


That is true.

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