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what 2 talk about


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Hi Allen,


The key to engaging the opposite sex is to find out what makes them tick. Yes, whatever interests them. Of course it would be ideal if you do know a little about that topic too, just to add a dash of sugar and spice.


A simple "what do you enjoy doing for leisure?" would suffice. For a start. Good luck!

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I completely agree with Bleeder. Actually, that's good advice. I remember, my date and I, got into this heated debate over politics. It was funny, because at least we got the ball rolling, and were on a roll the entire night. The whole shpeal was funny! (I know that we shouldn't have gotten into politics, but if you feel that you guys bond enough, and don't agree, politically, then politics might not be as bad. It just reveals what your values are. )


Any kind of conversation that strikes up intriguing opinions are great. However, some girls are less opinionated than others, so they might not have much to say. But, like what Bleeder says, anything that makes a girl 'tick,' is a cool discussion. I love it when my date and I get a little fiesty! He was a cool date, and our conversations went off on tangents here and there, afterwards. But, at least, we got along well enought ot look past our differences. Anything that's interesting to talk about, will definitely break the ice.


Here are some intresting things that I can think about:

1. Fav Old time T.V. Shows- Favorite characters. Most disliked characters.

2. Types of personalites that are attractive.

3. Goals- life, school, career.

4. Most favorite cars. Most disliked cars.


Anything that might suit her personality, and allows her to let her opinions out. Also, make sure that it's something that might interest you as well. Keep the conversations light-hearted at first, and then save the 'deep' stuff for later. Good lucK man. You'll do fine!

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Just try and remember FORE







You can talk to pretty much anybody about these topics.


Also, try not to ask Yes/No questions, e.g


Instead of:

Do you live alone?


Who else do you live with?

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