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girl txt my bf at 5am saying she loves him!

jerk chicken

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Last night some random girl who's name I've never seen on my bfs phone before txt him saying she loves him been thinking about him and misses him! I went mad and he said that its just some girl he used to know who called the other day and he saved her number incase she called agsin. He said that was first time she had text and he told her hr has a gf on the phone. I do trust him and don't think he's cheating but its playing on my mind because I get really jealous sometimes. He said I should just trust him and leave him to sort it out.......... what would others do about this!?

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It'd irk me too. I'd expect him to delete her from his phone. What's the point of having the phone number to some girl you used to talk to that sends strange texts like that.


Did he show you the text? How did you find out about it?


If he showed you the text or read the message right in front of you, he's probably completely clean.

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In your boyfriend's defense, that's happened to me! I was with my boyfriend at the time, and some guy I hadn't spoken to in like a year randomly decided to text me "I love you." This guy wasn't an ex or anything D: My boyfriend saw, and luckily he believed the truth. Some people are just crazy.


But like someone said, keep your eyes open just in case.

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I'd go nuts. Kidding. But i'd find it weird.. the fact that I found it on his phone. Why couldn't he tell me. I wouldn't get mad if he told me "yeah wow some chick totally said she loves me" hey that's better then me finding out, and driving myself crazy with paranoia.


For now, trust him. But don't let yourself get upset. If anything

call the girl up and ask her why she is texting your boyfriend.


Does she know you are with him?

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From your past threads about this guy I think this guy encourages female attention...and this woman's declaration is simply the result of the female attention he encourages by his words and actions. I think the real problem is with your boyfriend...I think he eggs women on because it boosts his ego. People do not typically make declarations to someone who already is attached unless they have been encouraged by words and subtle messages.

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I was closer to his phone n he asked me to check who it was, I'm a bit annoyed he didn't tell me but he said the girl is stupid and it was therefore irrelevant to tell me. I will keep my eyes open.but now I'm tempted to snoop! I was going to call but he deleted the number later when I was going to do it

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Don't start snooping. It will destroy the relationship and not necessarily because there is anything there. If he is cheating on you, it will come out on its own. It always does. She might just be some nut wanting to make trouble.

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I was closer to his phone n he asked me to check who it was, I'm a bit annoyed he didn't tell me but he said the girl is stupid and it was therefore irrelevant to tell me. I will keep my eyes open.but now I'm tempted to snoop! I was going to call but he deleted the number later when I was going to do it


He sounds completely innocent. Let this go.

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