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maybe i've already made up my mind?


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I've been seeing a woman for just over 6 weeks now. Since the day we met, which was well before we started dating, I knew we wouldn't agree on politics. For a few weeks, it wasn't an issue. But recently I've discovered that I just do not agree with or respect the way she thinks. I've done my best to keep it to myself when we're together, but once I'm not around her, for whatever reason, I'm furious. We try not to talk about politics. Most of the time, we don't, but knowing how she feels about how things are just makes me angry.


I've heard about Jim Carville and Mary Matalin, and, well, I'm not Jim or Mary. I feel like our ideals are just too different to reconcile. Am I just stringing her along for no good reason?


I think I know the answer, but I wanted to get some other heads in on it.

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i think if you're thinking you can't spend the rest of your life like jim and mary, i would move on. i wouldn't want to be fighting with someone else the rest of my life either. a few disagreements on some issues i can deal with, but overall, i'd want to date someone with similar political views.

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I never understand why people care about other people's political views. The guy I like (that I'm ignoring for reasons) I'm starting to not like, but it has nothing to do with his political views. I respect everyone's differences. I never understand why both parties like to attack each other, either. I get furious with liberals, because they never understand what they are asking for, but the guy that I like is a liberal and I still like him. I care more about how he treats me than whether or not he voted for Obama or not. Which is why I am starting to not like him, because he isn't treating me very well. I don't know who Jim and Mary are, but if they are together and have different political views, I think that is awesome. You can't help who you love and stuff like that is not a deal breaker for me. Lying to me and being dishonest and stuff like that is.

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I get furious with liberals, because they never understand what they are asking for


I don't want to start a political debate, but statements like these, indicating that people do not understand their own political beliefs is derogatory, especially if said or about one's romantic partner.

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Well, I thought about it all day, and essentially decided I couldn't support her decisions in the future if we got to that point. (she is interested in politics as a career) She was very surprised that it happened, as she had no idea of my feelings. I felt like an ass doing it. I told her that I need some time to consider things.


I still feel sick over it. Does it usually go this way? aside from the big political differences, i like her. we are both very rooted in our opinions. is it normal to disagree on such a level that it affects a relationship?

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