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Will they really last?


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My partner broke up with me 1 week ago or should I say I broke up with him. We were together for 4 years and have a 3year baby.We had been having big fights but none of them enough to end it. Well except one. He wanted to go to canada. We are both from there so were planning to go together to see my grandparents, but since Iam attending college I was unable to go. He still wanted to go by himself. At first i hated the idea but since I trusted him I let him go. Well I should of just fought until he said no becuase that same day he got there he went to party with his frioends, ended drunk and took a girl home. Ok but thats not all. From that night on they started to live together. Just moved in together He called me the day after he got there just to tell me that he lived with some else and he wanted to tell me before other people did. I found out he was talking and texitng with since Jan. but thats it. I mean is that long enough to love someone and only by phone? Could a relationship like thiers really last. I mean he hurt me so bad, did he really forgot our love.. Will he miss us. his famliy?


ok so my question is when ending a 4year relationship and start living with some one else, is it really love? Will they really last? Will he still think about me and my baby?


well im much better then i was a week ago but im still confuse of why he did that to me. was i a joke to him? I know I would never take him back.

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I think that he does love you and your child but he's young and he wants to see whats out there and he's not ready to settle down yet he is a guy..... I think you shouldn't worry about him.... you should focus on you and your baby right now you have to much on your plate to worry about a man who doesn't have his priorities straight. You obviously do so don't let him bring you down.

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I do know what i want from life now. I feel much stronger now.Its been just a week but I guess he hurt me so bad that i realize hes not worth my love and mt tears. oh and it helps that i have not way of contacting him. I dont know his new number. so maybe thats helping me. Hes still coming back here since he has his job and his life here. Im just scared to see him agian in 2 weeks.

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Can I ask you first off, why are you so curious?

From what you've said, it sounds like this could've been his plan all along (if they've been talking/texting since January) and he has obviously established that he does not care about you or the family anymore. Regardless of what he may say, it pales in comparison to him having an emotional affair only to lead to a very immature act in Canada.


I don't think this man truly knows what love is anymore and if he ever did, he's having difficulty taking responsibility for his actions. It does not matter if they last, and if he's thinking of you and the baby - he's even more sick. A man who knows fully-well what he's doing yet still doing it anyway is worse than the man who doesn't. You cannot make him understand either.


I'm terribly sorry, I do not mean to be harsh... but when my ex of 2 years, the father of my 1 1/2 year old daughter, had been cheating on me, I needed someone to tell it to me straight.


You deserve better. I know all you want to do is understand why, why why - I'm the same way. I did it too. He didn't value you anymore - not because of you, not because of anything you did wrong, but because he has issues that nobody can help him with except himself.

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Can I ask you first off, why are you so curious?

I don't know maybe just to understand if i was a joke to him. It makes me mad to hear that hes so happy while im here.. just here. But then agian life goes on. thank you for being so straight up.

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Just be careful. This is probably just a fling, so when he comes crawling back make sure you let him know that his behavior will not be tolerated, that you won't play second best, and that his worthless butt isn't welcomed anywhere near you or your family. Get custody of your son and get far away for this "man".

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You're welcome.

You are a beautiful person for being so strong for your child, many women would give up but I applaud you.

Everything will pan out in the end, for now - smile knowing you were not in the wrong. You have your wits about you and your child will love you that much more for sticking around when things got tough.


I should know... my mother left me around 2 years old. But my father stayed and I have more gratitude for him than any little birthday present my mother ever sent me in the mail.

You will be fine

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Just be careful. This is probably just a fling, so when he comes crawling back make sure you let him know that his behavior will not be tolerated, that you won't play second best, and that his worthless butt isn't welcomed anywhere near you or your family. Get custody of your son and get far away for this "man".


i know and im just scare to have him in front of me again. I still love him but i would never put myself or my baby throu that again.

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You're welcome.

You are a beautiful person for being so strong for your child, many women would give up but I applaud you.

Everything will pan out in the end, for now - smile knowing you were not in the wrong. You have your wits about you and your child will love you that much more for sticking around when things got tough.



I just feel mad inside becuase he hasnt called or anything to find out how is little girl is.. It makes mad that hes so happy with her while my child is asking for him.

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It is ridiculous how fickle people can be, how irrational and how senseless (like him).

But remind yourself when you begin to feel that way, that you cannot make someone care... if we could, it wouldn't mean anything anymore. Take care of you. When you catch yourself thinking of him, remind yourself how you're better off without him and it's better that you've seen his true colors now rather than 20 years down the road. Unfortunately that sort of thing does happen...

Remind yourself that the less you expect of people, the less you'll find yourself disappointed. Instead of wondering why he's so uninvolved in your child's life anymore, remember what kind of person he's shown to be and there is your answer.

I know it's hard... but life is not justified. After time passes, your anger will cease and a calm will remain.

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