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Hey everyone,

I'm feeling down at the moment because in one area of my life, I seem to get very unlucky... its like everything to do with it is unlucky, even things I didn't think are down to luck are going wrong! Im never this unluck normaly, and for everything to be like this in a row, it's like God is against me in this area - like God doesn't approve of it!

Just venting really, but if I was to explain everything to you, you would see this is a series of non stop unluckyness, and is abnormal! Theres nothing you guys can do, but I just feel like screaming! It's so frustrating!

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Dear santa

What area? If you explain we might be able to help more. As in most things i believe you make your own luck. If you grab the world the right way with a posistive and sunny attitude most things work out well.

Tell me more

nenez xxx

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Hey Santa....


Now we all know your luck can't stay down...Santa is too special I know what you mean though, there have been times with me when it rained it poured...like your afraid to ask "What Next???" If the things that are happening to you are out of your control, I would lay low and let it pass. Simplify your life to keep the stress out. If the "unlucky" Karma is related to some decisions on your part, then you need to change direction because the one your on now isn't working for you. Do whatever it takes to cheer yourself up, talk to your best friend(s), vent to us...we're great listners


Hope your sunshine breaks through your clouds soon!



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I know EXACTLY how you feel. If you lived in my shoes, if you went through what I did in the past, you'd probably want to bury a grave for yourself like I did. Seriously. Life's tough! I'm glad that things somewhat mellowed out though. But, I know what you mean. It's like everything hits you like a ton of bricks all of a sudden. And when things seem to go right, something goes wrong. I'm kinda superstitious, so I have to have my jade pendent with me, in order for me to feel somewhat 'protected'. Maybe you can keep a little 'good luck charm' too, so that you can feel somewhat 'lucky.'


Perhaps, what you can do is make reasons for all of the bad happenings. Maybe, you can look at the 'brighter side.' That's what I do, when I start to feel like ( "God cursed the day that I was born!" LoL! ) 'pessimistic'! Think about it, at least you have fingers that are still functioning, and allows you to type up and communicate your feelings through the net.


Some people are quadriplegics, and don't have the capacity that we have, in order to enjoy the things that we enjoy everyday. Yet, we take things for granted, and feel sorry for ourselves. Think about it, there are kids who are out there literally, without any arms or legs, children of Agent Orange, orphans of war, and people who have it less fortunate, like homeless people, or migrant workers (modern slaves, I feel sorry for them ).


I guess what I'm saying is, be thankful for the little people or things that that help you to get you by everyday:

1. Think of the people who you cherish most in your life, and hang out with them.

2.Then think about people who have it less fortunate, and then realize that you are lucky.


I'm serious, think about the people that you love in your life. Once they're gone, then life gets worse. So, look on the 'brighter side,' and internalize it as, "Life can get worse. When it does, if I overcome it, then I am twice as stronger than the person that I used to be." I'm serious, we learn from our weaknesses. God or fate, only gives us so much that we can handle. Our pain is all in our minds. Take the time to build up your own personal strengths. There are lots of things to be sad about in life, but there are also lots of things to be happy about also: It's the little things that count!


Maybe you can do things to help others, so that in some ways, you feel like you're helping yourself in return! I think that when you give to others, in a lot of ways, you get back in return. Trust me,. When you open up to others, you'll feel more grattitude, and self-worth in your life. I know that this advice might be a "People pleasers. Oh No! I'm bending my back over, pushover kind of attitude", but in reality, life's about REWARDS!


If we sit back and moap about our own sorrows, we're not realizing that everyone else in the world suffers too! So the best thing that we can do, is all join, and have a BIG moaping session! LoL! J/K! Santa, hang in there k? We gain strength from our sorrows. We really do. If we haven't experienced pain, then we wouldn't undestand happiness, right? We can't have one without the other. In one way or the other, even if we don't realize it, our pains grow into our strengths. We build charactor from our tough times. It's just the beauty of life. Embrace your sorrows as much as you can, and learn from it. Realize that things will usually work out for the best. Have faith, and hang in there k?





P.S.- Always remember to smile. Find something that makes your life worth living, so that you can reflect back on each day, and smile with 'grattitude'. Kids are a perfect example. They're so nonchalent and jovial. Hanging out with them, really gives you a sense of happiness. If you need an energy boost, hang out with them. By the end of the day, you can look back and realize that you once were in their shoes, and still can! Always hold onto sentimental values, which helps you to feel young at heart. Keep yourself happy, by letting your inner-child out, your inner-happiness. Find things that keep you passionate, so that when tough times come, the best thing that you have for yourself: is that 'faith', that tensile strength which resides in your heart! Happiness is all in your mind, remember that k? Hang in there!

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