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Is this girl flirting with me or not?


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Ok I have been going to school with this girl for all my life she knows what teachers I have had in grade school. Then this year she starts to do things to me like sit on my lap, wants me to rub her shoulders, wants me to sit on her lap. Every other class we see each other she does these wild things to me hugges on me likes to argue with me and just the other day she was messing with me and she kissed me on the back of the neck while we were sculfing with each other. Im the only one she does this in class we are both seniors and I feel that I will never see her again. She also has a BF and talks about him but from some of the things she says hes a jerk. I usally just keep to my self and i dont do things back to like she does to me. Should I ask her what her deal is im not trying to steal her from her BF but shes the one that started all this I really dont know what to do. Some one please help.

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Yea I would talk to her cause there's probably more there than just flirting unless she just gets from you what she can't get with her BF..but you should definetly talk to her cause she may like you and leave her bf for you who knows..


Good Luck



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As the usual pessimist that I am, I feel a need to give you the other side of the possibilities.


I think she's just taking advantage from you. You're playing the role of a friend, nothing more. Why?


She likes to be with you but she doesn't want you to be her boyfriend. I mean, you're probably a cute and a nice guy, but she prefers the other guy as a boyfriend (girls like to have jerks as their boyfriends). However, this other guy doesn't like to listen to her, or generally doesn't have the patience to stand her cuddlings or her conversations, so, she seeks that in you.


As she sees that you apparently don't mind her doing that, she just keeps on doing that because it's FREE! While the other guy gets all the fun..


I hate when women take advantage from apathetic guys like you. Next time the situation gets weird, ask her what the hell she thinks she's doing.


Unless you like to be a puppet on her hands. I bet that if you start to kiss her on the neck and do other things that require a lot of intimate bodily contact, she will start to act weird.


Anyway, I'm just giving you one of the bad sceneries. Who knows what she might do if you start acting all naughty towards her too.

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I myself am a senior in High School and I've often seen others break up for different partners. From what I can see she is definitely NOT doing this for attention. Chances are she may be unhappy with her boyfriend at the moment and might be analysing the way you respond to her flirting. When I fell head over heals for my best friend, I was afraid of telling him for fear of how it could change our close relationship. Just gradually bring up your feelings in a conversation sometime, since your that close friends it shouldn't be that hard and she'll definitely understand.

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